How to insulate a dog booth

How to insulate a dog booth

The dog is constantly on the street, and its activity strongly depends on the living conditions. So that the vital tone of the pet has always been positive, it is necessary to ensure the place of its habitat. In this article, we will talk about the insulation of a dog booth.

Floor insulation in a dog booth

Cone insulation begins with gender. Work is performed in such a sequence:

  • Turn up the booth with a bottom and process the material with special means to protect against moisture and parasites. Close the bottom outside the rubberoid.
  • Make the legs of thick bars to lift the construction above the ground.
  • Turn over and install the booth to the regular position. Cover the floor from the inside by a pergamine or rubberoid, boot the edges on the walls.
  • Place the heater of the insulation on the frontier, and then make a finishing hard floor of boards or plywood.
  • On the floor throw dry hay. Its quantities should be enough for a dog only for a rookery, otherwise the hay will endure out.
  • So that the hay did not fall out of the house, make the threshings from the board at the entrance.

Wall insulation in a dog booth

The main requirement for a dog house is the absence of drafts. If there are cracks or holes, score them. With a large number of holes, score a plywood sheet or a similar material. The booth will be warmer if you make the walls double, but between them put a foam or another insulator. True, the weight of such a booth will double.

For insulation of the walls, traditional heat insulators (felt, penplex, mineral wool) can be used, which are mounted according to the standard scheme:

  • Waterproofing.
  • Fastening the insulation.
  • Facing work (to protect the insulation from dog claws and teeth).
  • Vaporizolation.

If minvat is used as a insulation, follow these rules:

  • Do not use glass gamble, it is fraught with animal health.
  • Necessarily the presence of protective cladding.
  • Perform waterproofing.

Warming roof booths for dogs

Check the roof on tightness. To protect against the flow, make the roof of the slope, on top of the linoleum sheet. The roof should be removable. Initially, on the inside, fasten the insulating film, and then the heat insulator. The insulation from the inside can not be covered with wooden ceiling.

Entrance to a dog for dogs

Input opening do as little as possible. If necessary, reduce it with the help of boards. Curtain the inlet of a tight tissue with a curtain, which is attached to a knob nailed. The curtain should be wider than the input of 5 cm on each side and 10 cm below the clad. The design should not be an obstacle for the dog.

Economical way of insulation Konura

If the booth is in the aviary and is protected from precipitation, the slots in the walls can be sealed with a polyethylene film in several layers. A little more expensive, the thermal film Tavik, JSCUP, etc., will cost. The film is attached to the walls of the stapler. The canvas rolled so that the fibrous side adjoins the boards, and the smooth was out.

The dog is listening only to his instincts, and it does not understand why no need to tear foam on the wall or tear the edge. Therefore, insulation materials choose durable or take measures to protect against claws and teeth. For the same reason, it is desirable to apply natural materials for thermal insulation.

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