What dog food is better

What dog food is better

The newly-made dog owner faces a problem - what to feed the pet? The endless many hours of consultation with the existent dogs and veterinarians begin. But as experience shows, there is no one about the best feed. Someone gives preference to the "natural booth", someone - ready to dry food, and someone manages to combine these two types. How to choose the best feed for your dog?

It all depends on the set of factors, and even from financial capabilities. Ready dry feeds of reliable manufacturers are expensive. Therefore, if with the money tight, then you can feed the dog with a hand-made food. At the same time, the daily portion of the food should consist of 40% of meat products (beef or lamb trimming, liver, lungs, heart, spleen, kidney, scar), 30% croup (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) and 30% of vegetables (cabbage, carrots, SECOND, LUK). Here add some vegetable oil and vitamins for dogs.

Natural food feed the dog, if:

  • the owner has time to cook;
  • he found a reliable supplier of cheap meat products;
  • the dog has no allergies to any listed ingredients.

How and how to feed a puppy and a dog

If this option is not suitable, you will have to buy ready-made dry food. And here it begins the most difficult - pet stores and online stores are clogged with such a number of feed that the eyes are running out. First of all, remember - there is no good food cheap. Stop your choice on premium or super-premium. All well-known manufacturers, such as Dog Chow, Happy Dog, Bosch, Brit, Royal Canin, have such food. In premium feeds, the number of meat ingredients is an order of magnitude higher than in the eco-class feeds.

Pay attention to which age is calculated by one or another your chosen food. It happens for puppies to two months (Starter), for grown puppies from 2 to 10 months (Junior), for adult dogs up to 8 years old (adult) and for older dogs over 8 years old (Senior).

If the dog has health problems (problems of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies), then the feed is buying therapeutic. On such a stern there are special inscriptions: Hepatic Dog (for the diseases of the digestive tract), Hypoallergenic Dog (for allergies). A dog prone to obesity is also needed special feed for weight control of Weight Control.

It is advisable to choose food, and focusing on the lifestyle of the dog. If the dog is very active, it runs a lot and walks a few hours a day, then it is best for food with the designation "Activ" or "Enerdgy". For dogs, leading a measured lifestyle - "Standart", and for forever lying on the master sofa - "Light".

How to choose a dog for a dog, which is very old, she has a disorder with the gastrointestinal tract and she always sleeps - no veterinarian will not answer. There are no such feeds that would solve all the problems immediately. Here you will have to develop a diagram of feeding, for example, to give a certain feed month or two, and then go to another.

Choosing than feeding a dog, rely on the presence of money in your wallet and age, activity and health of the dog. And of course, choose the food of only the well-known global manufacturer. Your dog is a favorite family member, and you should not allow it to eat what it fell.

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