Than feeding shepherd

Than feeding shepherd

Along with the problem of the need to castration, the issue of proper feeding of dogs is today one of the most relevant. This is due to the fact that among the film and fans of these animals there are two diametrically opposite opinions. Some believe that ideal nutrition for dogs in general and shepherds in particular can be only dry food, others insist on natural. And both sides are quite weighty argue their views. Therefore, before deciding, than feeding your shepherd, learn all the nuances of two types of feeding.

Neither the Germans nor Caucasians have the need for any specialized diet or additives, so you should navigate the general rules for the preparation of diet for dogs of official breeds. Your main task is to balance the nutrition of your pet so that it fully obtained the minerals required for health and long life, vitamins, protein, fats, carbohydrates. With natural feeding it is not easy. In addition to the listed, follow the entrance to the body of the pet phosphorus, salts, calcium and thiamine. The formula of the daily diet is as follows:

  • 1/2 parts of fresh meat;
  • 1/5 pieces of dry milk or vegetables;
  • 1/3 of cooked porridge;
  • vitamin and mineral additives (bone flour and other).

This is a calculation for an adult dog, weight is about 50 kg.


From meat, take beef, can periodically replace it with a scar, light, heart, clarity or rabbit. Try to give only sea, if you have to feed the river - weld and get bones. Bird is also occasionally add to the diet, but pre-scold and remove all tubular bones. All meat and sub-products first marvel, and the latter then expose and thermal processing. Mandatory once or two per week fermented milk products 2-3% of fatty. Bread is often not recommended to feed, it is better to take wholegrain, dark. Take care of the presence in the diet of the pet bran. Kashi boil from buckwheat, rice, oats, necessarily good welding. You can take both a millet, barley, bug, corn, but only combining with other croups in a ratio of 1: 3, and everything except the first, soak at least six hours.


Do not forget and introduce vegetables into the diet of your pet, for them this is the main source of carbohydrates. Cabbage, beets, greenery, carrots, spinach, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, green beans. Exclude potatoes, especially boiled, as well as legumes and tomatoes. From fruits and berries Pamper strawberry, pears, raspberries, melon, apples, peaches and apricots, occasionally banana, but no citrus and grapes do not let. Forget about feeding shepherd with soups, tubular bones, flour, salty, roasted and fat, no sausages, nuts and milk. Sweet - only as a promotion.


The advantage of the finished dry feed is in the balance of the required substances and elements for the full nutrition of your shepherd. But it is necessary to choose the products of the proven brand, otherwise it will not be all necessary in it, and you will have to exercise additional feeding. Dry food should also be selected individually, for the crescent observing the health of the pet (the stomach disorder may occur) and the absence of allergic reactions. Consider the type of feed - for juniors, workers' dogs aging. Try to acquire the finished food of the premium class, and if the funds do not allow - go to the natural feeding of your pet.


Remember that saving on the nutrition of your shepherd, you may have to spend the same means on its treatment.

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