Castrate Li Kota

Castrate Li Kota

The question of the need to cast cats, along with the choice of proper nutrition, is currently the most up-to-date topic for discussions both between the felinologists and among the lovers of our smaller brothers. Opinions exist diametrically opposite. Cats from time immemorial live side by side with people, they become not just homemade pets for them, but the most real family members. Therefore, their health and ensuring a comfortable life is paid quite a lot of attention. Kastritra Murlyc or not - to solve an extremely owner of the animal, but before making a decision, it is worth learn as much as possible about this procedure and the postoperative period, weigh everything in and against.

When puberty occurs, it occurs at eight or eleven months, the seeds of cats begin to produce sex hormones. It is under their influence that the animal begins the so-called sexual hunt. At the same time, the cat begins to mark the territory, privilely demanding the bride, imitate sexual intercourse, try to escape from the house, exhibit increased aggressiveness. By the way, do not confuse the laundering of the territory with its specific odor with its insufficient education. If he periodically copes his place in places, for this inadvertent, is just your omission. Castration In this case, I will not solve the problem, you need to re-educate your favorite. As soon as you understand that your pet is ready to enter into an adult life, make a decision, conduct or not there is an operation, since it is desirable to make it before the first mating, as well as to achieve the year of life. This is explained by the fact that upon the occurrence of these factors, adrenal glands and pituitary are connected to the development of male sex hormones, which means that all signs of sex hunting can be preserved and after being cast.


Try not to delay with the decision not to miss the moment, especially if you release your favorite for a walk. Remember that if on the street it will obey, the operation may not bring the desired results. Especially hope for replacing surgical intervention by the use of drugs that reduce sexual attraction is not worth it. In most cases, they do not bring due effect. Normally, a healthy cat must be made at least seven mating per year, and if you are ready to provide him with the bride, the required number of times, most problems will be solved, and the operation will not be so necessary. By the way, do not confuse sterilization. In the first case, animals through small cuts on the scrotum are removed by the seeds. In the second - tie out seed codes. Sterilization is less dangerous, but it will not save you from the problems associated with the sexual activation of the pet, he will continue to mark and ask for a lady, only can not be able to give offspring.


The danger of castration lies in the possibility of infection with the urinary organs, anesthesiological risk. Exit from anesthesia is quite painful for the animal. In addition, it is the strongest stress for him. It can greatly increase the temperature that must be shot down. After the procedure, the risk of diabetes, urolithiasis, violations of the cardiovascular system increases at times, and with incorrect nutrition - obesity. For a neutered pet, buy special dietary feeds with low starch and reduced carbohydrate content. As a rule, they are enriched with proteins, contain L-carnitine. The advantages of timely operation include the absence of discomfort in a pet due to unsatisfied sexual activation, a decrease in aggressiveness, the lack of desire to escape from the house, reducing the risk of developing the adenoma of the prostate gland, prostatitis, prostate tumors, the desire to mark the territory disappears or significantly decreases.


Before carrying out the operation, hand over the necessary analyzes - biochemical and general blood tests, urine, smear for sex infections. Also follow the examination from the cardiologist, therapist. All these precautions taken can get rid of possible problems and even save your life to your favorite. Penitate the castration time so that you immediately before or after there were no vaccinations (there should be two months). For twelve hours before the operation, pets do not feed, so it will take a better anesthesia. For three hours - stop walking. Take a plaid with you if for a while leave it in the clinic, since after anesthesia it will freeze. The procedure is not more than half an hour. At home, put a cat on a comfortable litter or a layman, but only on the floor - so as not to fall. Combine every forty minutes so that blood circulation does not break until it wakes up. Food let's six hours after awakening, the water is two.


Think well before you decide on castration so that you subsequently do not regret it.

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