How to distinguish cat from a cat

How to distinguish cat from a cat

When a decision was made about the need to start a kitten, a number of questions appear: what should be the potential favorite breed, color and, of course, floor. If everything is transparently with a pedigree and a million, then not everyone can determine the sexual belonging of the baby. In order for fluffy Vasily to be urgently renovated to Vasilis, let's find out the main signs of cats and cats.

The most accurate way to determine the floor of the kitten is to look under his tail. We pay attention to the distance between the sexual organ and anal hole. Cats are several millimeters, up to 1 cm, and cats - 2 or 3 cm. In addition, the form of genital organs is important: she resembles the vertical stripes, the boys are a point.

With high accuracy, you can define the floor of the kitten using palpation. If the index and middle fingers are applied to a free place between the penis and anus, you can feel two small peas, a couple of millimeters with a diameter. This is the tunches of the testicles that will soon develop at the cat. This method should be used extremely gently so as not to damage the fragile organism. It is recommended to undergue the kittens by age at least one or two months.

A little more adult, three-month cats, the shape of the testicles manifests itself so much that it can be seen visually. At the same time increases the size of future semennikov. Wool on this site is often highlighted by another shade, thickness or growth direction.

Coloring animal can also be told about sexuality. Three-color suit, consisting of white, red and black, is a guarantee that the cat is in front of you. Such a combination of colors is possible only if there is a pair of X-chromosoma, which is characteristic exclusively for the female. The redhead color, on the contrary, is peculiar to cats, and in the kitchen it is extremely rare.

For adolescents and adults, in addition to obvious sexual signs, there are a number of secondary, which allows you to determine the floor when a quick look at the animal or, let's say, in the case of a sterilized boy. The main features are highlighted in the appearance and behavior of the coarse:

  • In cats, the muzzle is stretched forward, it looks sophisticated. The body is elegant, often slender. Cats are distinguished by a fairly wide muzzle and large sizes.
  • Adult cats are more cleanly than their boys friends.
  • Cats are a new territory using a specific sharp smell for this. Kitness will also be laid, but the person does not notice anything unusual: the favorite is simply sharpening claws, but actually allocates a certain secret from the glands on the pads of the paw.
  • Cats are quite active, they gladly hunt. At the same time, they are independent and showing too gentle feelings to their owner. Cats are mostly lazy, but at the same time gentle. A fight for the bride or territory for them is the usual thing.

If you are trying to figure out the physiology of a newborn or monthly kitten, a number of rules should be followed:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly to get rid of any more or less sharp smell.
  2. Do not hold the baby in your hands longer than a few minutes, otherwise, due to unsteady thermoregulation, the animal can quickly freeze.
  3. Kittens whose age does not exceed 3 weeks, it is better not to take on hand at all. If your own smell proceeds to the fluffy, the cat may refuse his further feeding.
  4. Take it carefully, put it on the tummy and lift the tail slightly. In this case, the animal can not be lifted or pulling behind the tail.
  5. Try to find out all the details you are interested in for the shortest time so as not to expose the baby stress.

Of the described methods, the differences in cats and cats are absolutely reliable only a visual assessment of the genital organs. The remaining techniques can add to the main approach, since they are able to give a mischief.

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