How to teach a kitten to go to the tray

How to teach a kitten to go to the tray

Well, that's all the kitten at home. It seems that there is no limit happiness. But it was not there, it turned out, it turns out, this is not only a fluffy little miracle, but also a feline young, requiring a lot of attention and care. And if you can still deal with the kitten with food, listening to the recommendations of the seller, then a small kitten is unlikely to go to the pot in a new house.

There may be a lot of reasons, but the first and most important thing - he is simply not mastered in the new territory, and he still does not know where his pot is. Yes, and the pot smells quite differently than in the past house.

Choose a filler to teach the kitten to go to the tray

The most common fillers for feline trays:

  • silica gel;
  • wood
  • mineral commercial.

Home kitten. Adaptation

The first thing to be done is to ask the breeder, to which filler is used by the kitten, and take some filler from the pot located in the previous kitten's house. Stress from changing the house and so large enough for the baby, so you do not need to be confused, immediately changing the filler to the new one. They buy the same filler as previous breeders used, put it in a pot and a pot of a potter's house is added to it.

Kitten of unknown origin. Domatonia

It happens that there is no possibility to find out what filler did the kitten earlier. Suppose that the kitten is found on the street, or taken "at grandmother" near the bird market, station or shopping center. I would like to warn that we take the kittens on the street extremely unsafe, and such kittens must immediately show the veterinarian.

Today we will focus on how such a kitten teach to the pot, because it is quite possible, before he went to the toilet "where will have." In this case, the bulk mineral filler is acquired, since little kitten will immediately agree to write in woody or silica gel. It is better if the fraction of the bulk filler for the start is fairly small, such a filler is most like sand.

In no case do not dial sand from the sandbox on the street. It's stray animals from all over the county, and along with sand you will bring your favorite infection or parasites.

Kitten's teachment to tray

  • No matter what kind of filler in the pot, the method of teaching the same. The kitten must remember where the pot with the "sand" is located. To do this, in the first days of the life of the kitten in a new house, it is limited in movement, limiting the affordable territory to one room, or the kitchen and the corridor, the bathroom, so that the baby is mastered and remembered what and where is located. After all, the kitten is not so easy to navigate in a higratory apartment or house, especially if he is very small.
  • Place a pot of the kitten show whenever he is concerned. Yes, it will be necessary to constantly observe the baby for some time, but from these first days in the house, under the closer attention of the owners, the comfort of all family members in the future depends. A timely accustomed kitten simply will not know that it is possible to go to the toilet somewhere past a pot, if from the very beginning he does all their affairs there.
  • When the baby really wants to the toilet, he will immediately figure out what to do in a pot. The first days periodically show the kitten's place a pot, it will allow it to remember the place and smell. After a few days later, the kitten will independently go to the toilet in the installed place without reminder. It is not recommended to change the place of the pot at first. If necessary, you can make it later, gradually shifting the pot to the right place.


To accustom a kitten to a pot will not be difficult even to a child, but adults must control the process of teaching, so as not to eliminate the consequences of the wrong care of the kitten in his first days of life in the house.

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