How to take birth from a cat - the question is irresistible. He worries many who in the house lives this fluffy family member, especially if it happens for the first time. A domestic cat is different from the courtyard that the first copes itself, and the second is waiting for help from people who tamed it.
Typically, the cat's pregnancy covers a period of 63-66 days. If you don't know exactly when this event occurs, just watch your favorite behave. The main sign is anxiety in behavior. If you see that it pulls into a certain place some soft things, paper, it means that it builds a nest. When she intends to arrange a future house for kittens where he does not interfere with anyone, then let him handle this task. If you are not satisfied with the place selected by the cat, prepare the other way:- take a spacious box;
- spread up soft tissue at the bottom;
- put this "maternity hospital" into a secluded warm corner;
- show this place cat;
- place the children's disposable diaper on top of a soft bedding, but it is already in front of the larch.
For half a day, there are selection from the genital organs of cats, it does not have an appetite and it often visits the toilet.
Cats of purest complications are observed more often. Therefore, refer to the doctor, if noted that:- the cat is often prevented;
- moaning when sleeping;
- eats bad.
- sterile gauze;
- pear rubber or pipette;
- children's cream or vaseline;
- threads;
- scissors;
- antiseptic;
- highlight;
- fabric clean.
- If all this passes intensively, then the birth is expected rapidly.
- If the fights are sluggish, then 1 kid will go out with difficulty, and the rest are easier.
- Suddenly everything can stop, but it is not scary, the cat just rests. Let's drink it with water.
- Further the fight is renewed and not let longer, the time between them is less and less.
- Appear or kitten head appears. It is surrounded by a thin film with liquid inside.
- If everything is in order, then with the next battle, the kitten comes outself.
- If during the contraction noted that the integrity of the film was broken and the calad's ass is visible, take it as soon as possible, but carefully. Behind the head is impossible.
- When the baby is large, it will leave back, at the end of the contraction. So, we will wait for the next, and then we introduce an index finger inward (into the lower part of the vulva), and as it were, massaging the crotch, increase the passage. If in the passage dry, lubricate it with vaseline.
- Seeing the head or shoulder outside, gently embrace the part that seemed to be, but not head, slightly we swing until it is possible to pull the kitten entirely.
- If the kitten is backlocked, a cat is difficult to give birth to himself. You can help as follows: Very carefully press on the kitten with your finger. Start from the neck if it is available, and spend towards the Pope. In this way, you may be able to deploy it into normal position. It happens that the neck is not visible, then all these manipulations do at the lower back in the direction of the tail. The kitten will come out in this case. If nothing helps, urgently call a professional.
- Check if the kitten breathes.
- Take the scripture and squeeze the nose from the nose and mouth.
- Wipe gently towel back.
- Moisten cotton wool in the ammonia alcohol, and let him breathe. This procedure is done if the kitten is very weak. Suddenly will not help - type cognac in a pipette and squeeze him into the tongue.
- In the absence of the result, place the baby in the napkin, lock the head and shake slightly several times. Extreme measure - artificial respiration, but very careful.
- Couplings at a distance of 2 cm from the stomach kitten and hold 15 seconds.
- Put in this place and see if it is distinguished by blood. If it is distinguished, then lower the thread into the alcohol and tie the umbilical cord by retreating 0.5 cm. The end should be treated with greenflaw or manganese.
- Give your kid by a cat if he is frowning. She lies it, and feed until the time of the next fight comes.
- Find leaves. Usually the cat eats 1 or 2, the rest are emitted. If you find that the number of kittens and the lasts does not coincide, it means that not all came out. Be sure to contact the car, otherwise infection may occur.
- For a safe conclusion of childbirth, remove a dirty diaper and leave the cat with kittens to relax.
In conclusion: if you like the animal that took into your family, then do not leave it to the mercy of fate in such a responsible moment as childbirth. You will succeed, and thanks the cat with great devotion.