How to wean a cat to drag wallpaper

How to wean a cat to drag wallpaper

To wean a cat spoil the wallpaper, you need to have a lot of patience, but perseverance and affection will certainly bring the desired result. It is best to bring up a small kitten, but also an adult individual can be retracted.

The scratch is the necessary physiological process for the cat. First of all, drape various surfaces, pussy clean and sharp claws. Secondly, the pads of the paws exude the smell that warns others about the fact that it is its territory. Sometimes cats fight the wallpaper if something worries them. So, for example, if Murka is taking wallpaper near the window or doors - so she wants to show other cats that this place is already employed by it.

We undress the cat to spoil the property, you can simply giving it a corner to meet your scratch needs. Perhaps there is no definite place in the house where she is allowed to do it. The problem is solved simply - the acquisition of brates. Take a look at the nearest pet store, there you will definitely select anything and prompt. Kogttechka is a piece of wood, covered by carpet, sisal. It can be done independently or buy in the store. The size of the product should be so that the animal can stretch into full height. The device must be securely enshrined so that Kisa is not afraid of the subject falling on it.

Toy - Cat-SWAT-Track - & - Scratcher-SP0369

Sometimes a cat or cat scratches wallpaper as a protest, experiencing stress due to moving to a new place, repair, child birth. If the cat is young and playing, she can also be interested in slightly torn by wallpaper. In this case, buy a favorite a few toys with which she will play, tumbling and have fun.

For kitty, you need to create comfort zones in which it can be swam and clean the claws. If the cat in the apartment is not alone, it is desirable that each has its own clawing. In the event that the favorite has already started to drag wallpaper, it is advisable to place the product in this place, consolidating it vertically. A good location for the location will be a space for sleep or at the entrance door.

To wean the cat sink wallpaper, you need to try to eliminate stress factors from the life of a pet. To scare off from the place of "crime" in the pet store there are special discharge sprays, the aromatic oil of citrus and their skins will be suitable.

Buy a water pistol or a spray gun for indoor plants and whenever the cat will rip the wallpaper, spray it with water. Try to switch her attention to the brake. This can be done with caress, treats and games. If Murka understands that it will get more attention using a special device, it will quickly rebuild - and wallpapers will remain integer.

So, cats have a complete right sometimes to produce their claws and scratch something. This is their natural state, and it is useless to scream, scold an animal, so you can only drive it into stress. Instead, create a favorable stay in the house. Praise the pet every time for using brates and sprinkle with a driver, as if playing, in case of bad behavior, treat the place by scaring the substance.

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