How to transport a cat

How to transport a cat

Each pet owner faces the situation when you need to carry the cat - to the cottage, to the veterinary clinic, to the exhibition, in another city or even to another country. Cats are very tied to the place in which they live, and any relocation for them is a certain stress. Therefore, to facilitate the procedure for transportation, prepare for this event in advance, and the psychological load of the animal will be minimized.

Wherever you were going to go, and on what transport, purchase carries for cats. Do not use the box and a simple bag instead of the container. The cat prefers freedom and at the first opportunity to free himself and run away. Do not save money and purchase a good plastic container with metal doors. On the bottom carrying bed disposable diaper.

Recently, carrying that are stitched from waterproof, dense tissue are popular. They are light, compact, but do not let the air and light. In such carrying, it is convenient to transport small kittens.

A veterinary documents on the animal will be needed on the trip. If the cat in one time did not make the appropriate vaccinations, then it is time to do them. Vaccinations need to be done a month before the expected trip. After vaccination, a mark is made in a veterinary passport, which you need to take from the branch - Form No. 1 certificate.

Try not to feed the cat in front of the road. If moving is long, you can take dry food. In a glass bottle, take boiled water from the house. Also on the road you will use polyethylene bags, toilet paper, napkins.

When traveling by train and on the plane, you may have to pay for an animal. Conditions, order and amount can be found in the box office.

Release the cat from carrying only in extreme cases. When moving, many cats are nervous and scratching the walls, plowing loudly. Try not to focus on her, because it is just waiting for you to open the door. If you frees the cat, then you will most likely have to look for it, and you can hardly return to the container.

For very nervous and wounded cats, you can purchase special calming funds: Cat Baun, Fithek, Vigozin. But before you consult with a branch.

You can carry a cat on any transport, but remember - it is stress for the cat and hassle for the owner. Thoroughly prepare for the process, as you are responsible for the health of your pet.


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