How to carry a dangerous cargo

How to carry a dangerous cargo

Dangerous cargo, simply speaking, is all that during transportation or operation can harm the environment or person. Therefore, transportation of such goods is strictly controlled by law enforcement and other bodies. What needs to be taken to implement such transport?

Determine what class of danger is your cargo, whether it is generally dangerous for the adopted classification of goods. Russia for this classification uses standards that are conjugate with international, in particular European.

Choose a carrier company, unless it is not possible to carry or special permission to transport dangerous goods, the so-called "ADR". Make sure the company carries out transportation in accordance with all the rules and standards.

Prepare the appropriate documentation that will accompany the cargo. These are permits, commodity overhead, possibly customs clearance and other papers.

Check the documentation of the transport company before concluding a contract for transportation. All members of the automotive crew, freight forwarders and drivers should have an identity card, preferably, insurance policy insurance policy. The company must have a special license and permission to carry out transportation of such goods. You may need to additionally insure your cargo from unforeseen situations if the transport company did not do this.

Cars must have a special equipment: fire extinguishers, anti-tetting stops, tank, if necessary, and special markings in the form of an orange reflective plate.

Pre-providing all the nuances in advance, you can be sure that your cargo will get to the destination destination safe and preservation and will not cause harm to anyone. Preparation of all necessary documentation for transportation is a guarantee that the cargo will not delay anywhere and, especially, do not confiscate. A rare inspector will miss without checking a car carrying a dangerous cargo. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of transportation carefully and with full responsibility.

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