How to transport the cargo

How to transport the cargo

When the relocation or other large-scale transportation is scheduled, it is more logical to hire a spacious machine and one walker to deliver luggage to the destination point. And if you need to move one or two oversized things, it is quite realistic to cope with your own.

All that did not fit inside the passenger cars will be transported on the top trunk. Yes, yes, it is the trunk, since it is forbidden to hoilt in the roof itself. Set this design on the car is easy, you can use the appropriate as theoretical basis instruction. Next, you need to read in the technical documentation of your auto information about the maximum permissible load on the roof. It is important not to confuse the numbers with the total carrying capacity of the machine. For comparison: the first indicator is approximately 70-120 kg (depending on the brand), the second is 400-500 kg. We are convinced that our cargo does not exceed the permissible borders.

We estimate how appropriate will be the dismantling of baggage. If we are talking about the closet, the chest or similar subject, it is more logical to disassemble furniture on flat elements and in this form fix the cargo. Disassemble the average size of the bedside table with an intricate design of the meaning of particular, we will be fixed entirely.

If the transportation of fragile cargo is to be transported, it should be qualitatively packaged. For this use corrugated cardboard and air-bubble film. The same materials are used to protect baggage from adverse weather conditions. In the case when the beating object is in the box, you need to fill the free space by foam, foam rubber or other sealant.

We proceed to fixing baggage. All movable elements (doors, drawers, drawers, solid sofa systems) need to be removed, as a last resort - glue the scotch to the main part of the cargo. It is better to use professional devices as fasteners - "spiders", ribbons with locks and winches. If such fasteners were not able to get, we use all the same scotch. It is not recommended to use the usual rope for fixing, since the node can relax, and the luggage is to slip from the machine. The load on the roof is distributed evenly so as not to damage the axis.

We give the cargo in line with traffic rules. It should not make noise and dust, close the driver overview, as well as license plates and light instruments, be dangerous for participants in motion. If the baggage protrudes the body of the car per meter and more (in front or behind) or 40 cm on the sides, the special sign should be attached to it - diagonal white-red stripes. But usually road inspectors do not object to the "folk" warning sign - a red ribbon.

When shipping the cargo on a passenger car is extremely important to comply with high-speed mode, avoid road areas with a bad coating, and in the case of an oversized cargo - to keep a decent distance. So you deliver things in full preservation and do not be dangerous.

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Adil 17/01/2016 at 16:37

Now I will carry on my car.

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