How to install a trunk on UAZ

How to install a trunk on UAZ

The car brand UAZ is functional and pass, but there is no limit to perfection. Since in distant campaigns, the interior of the car is often used as a sleeping place, and on trips the luggage compartment may be needed to plant passengers in it, then the rooftop trunk is the extension of the car functionality.

Expedition triggers for UAZ can be purchased from dealers through many shops, including on the Internet, or use the services of firms that are made by trunk. Despite the fact that the choice of full-time trunks is wide and responding with almost any requests, if you need a trunk for your unique requests, it is better to make it individually. But contact the proven firms, since the reliability of the trunk will largely depend on the further safe operation of the car.

Measure the roof of the car and decide on the size of the trunk you are going to install. If you are going to order a trunk according to an individual sample, then sketch an exemplary sketch of what you want to get, discuss it with specialists. If you're going to take a finished trunk, then select the model you need in the store or online. You also purchase all the associated parts - fasteners. Before installing the trunk on the roof of the car wash the car, paying special attention to the roof. Since the trunk will be attached for a very long time, there should be no dust and dirt that can cause corrosion of the body.

If the car has no full-time religs, then the trunk will be attached to the roof itself. You can do this either by welding, which may not be too aesthetic. Either bolts. In this case, it is necessary on the ceiling from the inside of the car to position two 5-millimeter metal strips with holes. To secure them as close as possible, use special mastic. From the outside, drill the corresponding holes in the roof. Carefully treat them from corrosion.

Between the trunk supports and directly cover the special plastic gaskets, process all the inactive details of the sealant and torn the bolts. Carefully fix and tighten the bolts with the help of keys, do not count on hand. To improve the appearance, especially inside the cabin, use the plugs.

Additionally, you can install the lighting devices on the front and rear axles of the trunk - they will use you both on the road, and in difficult areas of the road, and when organizing a hiking camp. On the sides you can make a rail to fastening a haygema or a sperm shovel. Provide and fastening for spares.

To facilitate the use of the trunk, the staircase is installed on the rear door of the car. With it, you can easily climb up to load and unload the trunk.

When transporting goods on the roof, it is important to comply with the rules: evenly distribute the load, carefully fix it in the trunk, as the center of gravity is changing from above the car. And, it means that it is necessary to accurately carefully follow the safety on the road.

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