How to install radiator grille

How to install radiator grille

The reasons for installing the new radiator lattice are a bit - the former or does not bring aesthetic pleasure, or was damaged. The installation process does not occupy a lot of time, requires minimum of experience and special accessories. Half of time when replacing the radiator lattice, the correct organization of the workplace can save. Tools should be at hand, the windscreen space is well lit. It is possible that the observation pit or lift will need.

In the garage of the ordinary car enthusiast, will not be much difficult to find the necessary for work:

  1. Set of wrenches, predominantly small sizes;
  2. Gloves;
  3. Pliers;
  4. Crosshead screwdriver;
  5. Bolts and nuts with washers.

The principle of fastening the radiator lattice in most cars is identical. The main difference in the amount of bolts, nuts and places of their attachment. Of course, much more depends on the uniqueness of your car. On all auto imported production, removal and installation of the lattice occurs from the inside, after opening the hood. And only the domestic auto industry at the peak of its popularity could allow the external fastening. This gave the opportunity to remove the lattice without any problems, who she failed and who did not want to buy it in the car.

Opening the hood, we find a plastic panel that does not perform any mechanical and protective role, but only separates the space. It is usually attached by plastic clips or several self-drawing. Fastening sites: on the frame of the workpiece, headlights, the radiator grille itself. With clips you need to do as much as possible - it is very simple to break them, and it is very difficult to find on the market. And the price piece of plastic original production at the dealer can surprise you unpleasantly.

On some cars, the installation and removal of the radiator lattice will require the weakening of the fasteners of the bumper. With their search, a little harder - one attachments can be in the wheeled arches, and to others - do not get there without observation pit.

Having access to the attachments of the radiator lattice itself, we unscrew the bolts and remove the item. If you are going to replace the original spare part on the modified, then before installation, it is desirable to compare the size and location of all fastening holes. This will allow you to avoid excess time spending and damage to the lattice during installation. A situation is possible when the holes are missing or they are located a bit not where they should. In this case, you can contact the repair and repair of bumpers - there specialists often make it impossible.

Collection and installation of the radiator grille must be made in reverse order. Remember that the number of screwed bolts and swirling nuts should coincide with the twisted bolts and unscrewed nuts. In this case, the discrepancy in this case faces traffic safety.

By installing the radiator grille, remember that it performs not only a decorative function. The grille protects the radiator from insects, dirt and small stones from passing and oncoming transport. A good radiator is the guarantee of the correct cooling of the engine.

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