How to install the rear view camera in the car

How to install the rear view camera in the car

The rear view camera is not only a new-fashioned device, but also in demand service in car service and tuning salons. Car enthusiasts who have already managed to evaluate all the advantages of the camera, no longer think of driver's practice without this device. If you wish, you can do all the work independently and save money for another trip.

It is necessary to prepare the following tools and devices:

  • rear view camera (better buy through official dealers);
  • screwdrivers;
  • drill with nozzles;
  • soldering iron;
  • tape or tape;
  • cable.


Place the camera is better closer to the license plates, near the backlight. A slightly "drowned" her in the body of the bumper, so to speak, masking, or buy a special frame with a hole intended for mounting the rear view camera. Secure the frame on which the camera is installed using self-samples. If in your plans to display an image on the on-board computer, immediately connect the plugs to the appropriate connectors to no longer return to this step.


Gently hide the wires. Next you need to spend them under the ceiling of the ceiling. Here you should be extremely careful and try not to hurt anything. Over the entire length of the laid wires, fix them with scotch, without touching moving parts to avoid damage.


Attach and fix the camera on the license plate frame, then do the drill hole in the trunk for wiring. Do not forget the edges of the drilled hole to open the anti-corrosion composition. Now boldly insert the cable and connect the camera.


Connect the terminal to the battery and activate the chamber by checking its functionality and the correct connection. The main share of the installed cameras are connected by the cigarette lighter to the onboard power system. You can also power through the autonomous fuse. The connector can be left free if it is assumed to continue the connection of the new accessory. After installation, check whether all the details are fixed and the trim is closed.


After installing the camera, it is necessary to adjust it so that the overview of the rear platform opens in full format, looking through the desired area for convenient and fast parking, to avoid emergency situations, etc.

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