How to remove the rear seat

How to remove the rear seat

Sometimes there are situations in which the car owner has to think about removing the rear seat from his car. The reason for this may be their cleaning, replacement or repair. If you are in this position - you should not immediately contact a specialist, this work can be done yourself.

To carry out the work on the rear seat dismantling you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • a set of keys;
  • set of a "asterisk" bit for decorative panels.

To ensure maximum access to the interior of the car, swipe your rear doors as wide as possible. First, you should remove the bottom pillow. Carefully examine the place of contact of the sofa to the car body - there are places of its attachment behind two decorative panels. Using a special nozzle, remove the screws that lock these linings, and remove them. Take the wrench and twist the nuts to which you have received access. They press the steel fastener bracket of the bottom pillow to the body, thereby reliably fixing it. Remove the stiletto bracket and gently lift the front part of the seating, while at the same time pulling it on yourself. Through the slot formed between the bottom pillow and the seat back, gently disconnect the wiring that is responsible for heating the seats. Pull the sofa is even more and completely released it, carefully remove through the doorway.

The next step is to remove the back. To reduce its dimensions and increasing the free space, to start with the dismantling of the head restraints. Holding the plastic bracket, climb them down as much as possible, after which, accompanying a slight force, gently pull the top. So you deactivate the locking mechanism, and the support of the head restraint will gradually slide from the attachment points.

Inspect the top end of the seat back and locate the button or lever that is responsible for fixing it. Click on it. It is not necessary to make special efforts, as a rule, this item is made of thin plastic and excessive load may damage it. In some cars, such a lever can be in the trunk, in this case it will be painted in red and is equipped with a motion direction pointer.

Folding the back, you will get access to bolts that fasten it to the car body. As a rule, there are two of them and are located on the sides. But in some cars, additional fixing bolts can be in the center of the back. Using a wrench, unscrew them all. If your car is equipped with a rear seat backrest heating system - disconnect the wires that go to the heating element. After that, carefully get a back from the car.

Now you know how to remove the back seat from the car. It is not so difficult to do, but by completing this work yourself, you will not only save your time, which would have to spend on a trip to the master, but also save a little.

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