How to transport children in the car

How to transport children in the car

Ride in the car is conjugate with risk. Even the most attentive and neat driver is not insured against sharp braking or collisions. If children go in the car, you need to pay special attention to ensuring their safety.

Road traffic rules prescribe that the car in the car is in a special holding device. In other words - in the car seat.

Purchase baby car seat. Chairs are divided into groups by age, growth, weight of children. For infants, this is a cradle, fixed by the car's belt, in it the baby is lying or half a walk. Take care of buying cradle even before discharge from the maternity hospital so that the very first train of the child committed on all safety rules. For the kids from a year to four or five years, chairs are intended, which are attached to the seat by a car seat belt, the kids themselves are securely held by a five-point car seat belt. The chairs regulate the backrest tilt to set an oblique position if the child fell asleep on the way. For older children, the car seats are already more "adults": the child along with the chair is fastened with a regular belt, and the design of the side part allows you to spend the belt so that it goes to the baby's chest level. In the chair of this category, over time, you can disconnect the back and use one seat - booster.

If you transport the baby ahead, then there are limitations. Safety to install the cradle back forward so that with emergency braking, the infants rested into a soft back, and not belts. The airbag in this should be disabled. If such a function in the car is not provided, it is possible to put the cradle only face forward. It is best to arrange children in the rear seat. The passenger at the front seat is stronger at injury in case of an accident. The most reliable is the seat for the driver.

Updated road rules are allowed to carry children in the back row not only in car seats, but also use any other structures that will ensure the correct placement of the regular belt on the child's case, for example, booster or belt adapter. Nevertheless, children's car seat is the most reliable and safe way to hold children.

The situation may cause sad consequences when a child rides an adult on his knees and they are fastened with one strap. When driving at a speed of 50 km / h, the body mass increases 30 times. In the case of a sharp stop, the child will be crushed by an adult. If the car did not turn out to be a children's chair, then arrange to ensure maximum security to ensure the baby: sit back to the window, go to your knees along the movement and fasten the regular belt.

Another traumatic way is to fasten the child, no up to 150 cm, a regular car belt without any additional devices. The belt, designed for an increase in an adult, will pass along the neck of the baby and when you hit or a collision just strangles it.

Children are the most important in every parent. Do not save on their safety.

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