What a penalty for the transportation of children without a chair

What a penalty for the transportation of children without a chair

Any driver, planting a passenger, automatically takes responsibility for his life and health. Special attention should be paid to the smallest satellites using a special car seat for transportation.

In traffic police of the Russian Federation, paragraph 22.9 is devoted to the rules and conditions for the safe transportation of children. It says that up to 12 years old children are obliged to be in a car in special retention devices or other devices allowing to consolidate the child with the help of seat belts provided by the vehicle with a configuration. In the front seat, transportation is allowed only in special retaining structures.

Under special retention devices, children's car seats are meant. Other devices are special adapters for adult belts or any, even self-made holding devices that give the opportunity to fasten and thereby secure the child.

The car seat must approach the kid in the parameters of growth and weight, only then it will perform its functions and keeps away from injuries. The basic safety belts included in the car's package are designed for people with an increase of 150 cm, and the small passenger in the event of an accident or sharp braking it will not only keep, but can also harm or even lead to death. This can explain the age limit on transportation.

Today, Article 12.23 Part 3 states that not compliance with the law on the transportation of children established by the rules of the RF traffic rules entails the imposition of administrative monetary compensation in the amount of 3000 rubles. Until the autumn of 2013, the fine could be regarded as a punishment for a not fastened belt, and the amount was 6 times less, making up only 500 rubles.

The raising of the fine for the violation of the transport of children is aimed at reducing the death and obtaining the injury of children with an accident and is due to the fact that the new amount is equal to the average cost of children's car seats. It is more reasonable and more profitable to buy a car seat than to regularly pay Fines of traffic police or medical services.

It is worth noting that the administrative monetary punishment of the traffic police for the disregard of the children's chair is superimposed on the driver of the car, and not on the child. Since children are subject to administrative responsibility from 16 years, and transported in special chairs to 12.

Car seat in the car is, first of all, a means for survival. It also provides the baby convenience and comfort, as it is simply not cozy to sit on an adult seat. Car seat gives a practically one hundred percent security guarantee. Any amount is not as great as the safety and integrity of your baby.

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