How to fix children's car seats

How to fix children's car seats

Children's car seat - Panacea in the fight against child mortality due to an accident. After all, according to statistics, about 50% of deaths occurred with children precisely because of the wrong transportation in the vehicle - without proper fixation on the seat. So that the car seat can perform its own protective function, it must be properly installed.

First of all, learn the instructions for fastening the car seat, which must be attached complete. Do not neglect the manufacturer's recommendations.

The best place for car seats is the rear seat. It is not recommended to install a car seat in the front seat, since the risk of injury increases many times - this is the airbags with a possible accident, and other factors. As far as possible, install the car seat in the middle of the rear seating.

Fastening the car seat is best with the help of a three-point belt. Sometimes, the length of the belt is not enough for proper fixation of the car seat. In order to avoid such situations when buying, ask the seller to "try" the chair to your car.

Before installing a car seat, move the front seat, freeing the place for action.

How closely stretch the seat belt on the planned zone. Methods for tightening belts depend on the quality of the clamps. The best in this case are removable clamps. There are still automatic and connecting (in the event that the belt itself is not fastened).

Be sure to check the strap shoulder area. It should be in a fastened state. If the belt is insufficient length, it should be replaced in the car service.

Pay attention to the counter of the belt. It should not be contacted with a car seat, because in the event of an accident, the clamp will unbuckle, without sustaining the load.

After installing the car seat, move it. If the chair shifts more than 2 centimeters, it should be reinstalled.

Save the baby into the car seat and check the belts - they should not be twisted. The gap between belts and the body is allowed a little more than 2 fingers.

Remember, children up to 1 year are strongly recommended to carry a face against movement. This is due to the physiological peculiarities of damage in the event of an accident. And according to traffic rules, the child is advised to 12 years in the car. And in no case, do not carry it on your hands on the front seat - when a collision, it is impossible to keep the child in your hands! Take care of your baby's life!

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