How to mount the grid to the bumper

How to mount the grid to the bumper

The grid on the bumper of the car is not only a decorative upgrade, but also real practical benefits. The radiator is protected by a grid from rocks, dirt, insects. You can install it yourself.

First of all, we remove the bumper. To do this, remove the grille from the radiator, where the main fasteners are located. Using the end key, we unscrew the fastening bolts and side. In order to unscrew the side bolts, you need to beat the plastic subsidence. Next, we take a thin flat screwdriver and through the hole between the wing and the bumper reveal the plastic clamps that connect the edge of the bumper and the front wing. It is important not to rush here in order not to damage the details - carefully pull the bumper up and to the side.

The removed bumper must be safely laundering from dirt.

Next, cut the plastic partitions from the windows that will be used to install the grid. Make it easier with the electric bike. We cut with a reserve of 2-3 millimeters so that when working does not damage the surface of the bumper.

I bring the condition to the perfect. To do this, take a sharp knife and remove the remnants of the plastic. If a thinner work is needed, we use a soldering iron. They accurately rules sharp corners and jar, which remained after working with a knife.

Now cut the grid of the desired size under the cut windows. We leave 5 centimeters of stock, after which we apply to one of the windows from the inside and supply the circuit marker. For this contour, we flex the edge of the grid. Canceling the edge with rounding 2-3 millimeters.

We try on the mesh to the bumper. If necessary, give the desired curvature for perfect fit. Remember that it is better to measure 7 times to measure the edges of the mesh well on the landing place.

The next stage is the painting of the grid. If you want to make it more throw, paint into the contrasting color, if its function is protective, pick up the car. After painting, it is worth opening the net with colorless varnish.

Well dried mesh insert into the seat on the inside of the bumper. Intripping on the edge of the grid. By this you form a fastening plane. After we take the gas burner and warming the edge of the grid. After reaching the desired temperature, using a screwdriver, quickly press the mesh to the bumper so that it is swam in plastic. Hold, while cool down. To ensure high-quality adjacent, heal the sections of about 5 centimeters. Fully "gluitive" the grid to the bumper is not necessary, 7-8 points are enough.

After the operations done, install the bumper in place.

There are several methods for fastening the mesh, in particular, it is possible to mount on the self-tapping screw, but the experimental automaster does not advise you to disturb the integrity of the bumper.


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getech 04/21/2016 at 8:45.

It is not necessary to correct the grid into the bumper in any case, you can spoil the bumper, and the mesh itself will quickly break off when washing or quickly driving. The best and proven way, it is on the inside of the bumper using epoxy or sealant, stealth and conventional stationery clips to create a lot of hooks, on them and plant the mesh, then the hooks can be easily bent so that they are not visible!


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