How to connect the rear view chamber

How to connect the rear view chamber

Rear view video cameras are an excellent purchase for car enthusiasts. This device allows you to significantly expand the visibility zone for your car and facilitate parking, and this question is more than ever before the inhabitants of large cities.

Choosing a rear review camera in the car, give preference to the goods of specialized car shops, here you will receive a guarantee and a reliable product, which in the event of a malfunction can be returned or exchanged. A lot of cameras are very much, they differ in the method of fastening to the car, data transmission - wired and infor, the corner of the review, price, quality and many more parameters - everything depends on your financial capabilities.


When you chose the camera, decide on the place of its attachment - a variety of models allows you to install the camera in almost any position - there are mortise cameras, cameras on the brackets, cameras that are fastened with the number of numbers, on the pin, overhead and many other things. When choosing a place of attachment of the camera, remember that it is necessary to install it on the outer part of the car, but it is desirable that there is less dirt while driving at it. The camera installed inside the car at the rear window is useless, since the viewing angle is strongly changing, the data is distorted and the glare appear.


Many are afraid of the actions of the vandals and just thieves who can escape the camera installed in the open area of \u200b\u200baccess. However, this is a controversial opinion, since to discover the camera without damaging the wire - it is impossible, and in this case it will be spoiled and will stop presenting value. In addition, you do not carry out the lateral mirrors, wheels, turn signals and other optics, although they also have value.


Connect the rear view camera to the power of the reverse flashlight, as the overwhelming majority of the chambers are calculated only on short-term periods of work. Even if you connect the camera to a constant power source, it is, firstly, you will not be useful in practice, secondly, the life of the device will strongly reduce. To connect, use the wires of red (plus) and black (minus) colors. Carefully force the wires. Remember that all work with auto electrician is preferably carried out with a battery disconnected.


There are two main varieties of cameras according to the method of transmitting video data - wired and wireless. Wired in a set for connection there is a long five-meter wire of yellow color - connect it with one end to the camera, through the left side of the car, stretch to the front of the car and connect to the desired output of the monitor, built-in TV or radio. In wireless cameras, a transmitter and receiver are included in the kit, which are simply attached to the corresponding camera outputs and monitor. The second option, of course, is easier to install, but often more expensive. Although the price depends on other parameters.


After installing the camera, check the insulation care times when connected, loyalty to the use of the wires, the care of the camera. Connect the battery and check the camera function in all possible modes.

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For ease of operation, all rear view cameras have parking lines. They do not show the exact distance: when changing the viewing angle, it can change, but soon with their help you get used to the dimensions of the car and learn to navigate the distance to the obstacles using the chamber as an obedient assistant.

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