How to cover the seat

How to cover the seat

The hauling of the seats is to replace the old worn material to the new one. Replacing the weak seat cover, you can upgrade the style of the car's interior, using other fabrics and colors.

A variety of fabrics are used to cover seats, but the best option is to use natural, because They do not create a greenhouse effect. The most practical skin, because it does not collect dust and is rather durable. However, the drying process is slightly aggravated by the rules of working with leather fabrics: special preparation of the fabric, when working with the skin, it is impossible to make it so as not to create additional holes, to heat the elements, use rubber glue and others. More simpler and less expensive materials - velor, plush, Artificial fur and others.

After selecting the fabric, we remove the seats and make a mark on each element of the old cover: the number of spare parts, as well as what material will be used if there is a combination of tissues. Next, remove the old covers and break them into pieces on the seams.

Each part needs to be resting so that when transferring to a new tissue there were fewer errors. With the help of pins or loads and portno chalk, we carry the pattern on the fabric, not forgetting about the allowances for seams. We celebrate the numbers of parts. Cut the details.

If the foam on the seats is damaged, then it should be updated. Each part of the future cover must be strengthened by a foam rubber 5 mm thick on a tissue basis. On the foam rubber we applied glue-spray for a hauling and we apply an involnee side of the cover element to it. Liquid glue is not suitable for working with foam rubber, because He glues him, breaking the air. Next, we connect all the elements using a sewing machine with a shot suture, because He is one of the strongest.

After the end end, turn the cover on the front side and carefully put on the seats. So that the cover does not fall down and did not move during operation, it must be fixed on the seat at the bottom of the harms, and the backrest can be sewn. If the design of the seating allows you to use a stapler, but after the edges of the cover, fabric sides should be envisaged, which will be attached to the seat brackets. For head restraints are not required, because They are provided initially by the manufacturer.

By changing the appearance of the seats, you need to pay attention to the design of door coatings, the steering wheel, the ceiling in the cabin, as well as the panel to withstand the entire salon in one style.

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