How to check for airbags

How to check for airbags

For those who bought a new car, the question of the availability of the airbag is not relevant and is not questionable. But, if you decide to buy a car that was in operation, it is very important to have a security system for the driver, its serviceability, and the pillows are part of this system. The life of the driver and passengers has been saved for more than once serviceable airbags, and therefore you have the right to count on them.

When buying a used car, make sure that the pillows are in it, and they are good. Special inscriptions "SRS" or "Airbag" indicate their location. These places in different models can be under the front panel, under the lid of the steering wheel, in the seats of passengers and the driver, in the side panels of the racks. Check out the presence of such inscriptions, they should not be erased. Make sure the integrity of these places so that there is no damage, dents, scratches. Check the seat status, seats.

Then carefully check the condition of fasteners, connectors, contacts, hooks. On the instrument panel there is a special alarm, when you turn on the ignition, it triggers for a few seconds if the system is good - goes out. There is also a light bulb with a picture of a man with a pillow. If it flickes, then the pillows are in stock and are good. For your own security, make sure that each item works properly.

If you notice damage to the sewing of the chairs in the place where airbags should be, or obviously visible traces of replacement and restoration of sewing seats, they will differ in color from the entire interior of the car's salon, it means that everything says that the car visited DPS . At the same time, airbags were triggered.

Faulty alarm also indicates pillow faults. Check the signal of the signaling device: it does not go out after 5-7 seconds after turning on the engine, it does not light up at all when the ignition is turned on or spontaneously lights up while moving - the signs that the alarm is generally disabled.

If you are suspicious that the car visited the accident: there are scratches on the torpedo before the driver - the panel could dismantle, new windshield, traces of painting, you need to take the machine to computer diagnostics. This will help establish the presence of errors in the system, as a result of the hit when a collision. With this position, it is necessary to check if there are airbags or several resistors were installed instead.

Start by checking the physical availability of pillows: in the steering wheel - for the driver, in the torpedo - for the passenger. Unscrew the two screws that fasten the steering wheel in the center, there must be a cushion for the driver. The specialist will immediately determine if someone dismantled it. If the pyropatron is intact, the wiring is not touched - the pillow in place. Also check the place of the passenger seat, if you notice the traces of its recovery.

Do not risk your life and the life of passengers, be sure to check the presence of airbags and their health before driving on the road. All work on their replacement and verification perform at maintenance stations, do not try to do it yourself. A good system does not respond to external factors: decrease and increase temperature, turning off the battery, electromagnetic radiation, it is reliable and does not require special care.

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Driver 09/11/2015 at 18:21

... So, everything says that the car visited DPS. Maybe all the same in an accident?

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