How to check the expansion tank cover

How to check the expansion tank cover

The lid of the expansion tank is an important spare part in the cooling system of the automotive engine, but not everyone knows about it. The incorrect triggering of the expansion tank cover can lead to a rapid boosting of antifreeze or antifreeze, which causes further flow in the cooling system. How to check the RB cover on the suitability?

To make sure that the celama cover, it is necessary to start checking it on the presence of cracks, scratches, other flaws and breakdowns. Visually consider it from all sides.

The lid of 3 elements is: springs, fastening and metal top. It is important to check the spring, it should not lose its properties. And, it means that it should not be easy to squeeze when compressing, it plays the function of the pressure holder, in such a state of the spring can skip it.


Also check the lid valve of the RB (expansion tank) can be hissing during its opening and closing. By this method, the valve problem can track a professional, so it is not so effective for ordinary auto owners.


It is better to put the lid in the dishes with water, if bubbles appear, it means that it is not suitable to keep pressure. You can resort to simple enough method: we take a plug in your mouth, taking a breath in yourself. The air is easily drawn - everything is fine, if not, then the clinical spring.

It can also be checked using a pressure gauge and pump. We remove the hose on the tank from the upper thin fitting, which goes to the radiator, and wear a hose from the pump (compressor) on the fitting. After the air has caught, listening to the plug and look at the testimony of the pressure gauge. The pressure when the exhaust valve is opened in the tank lid should roll 1.1-1.5 kgf-cm2, a hiss appears, in the speed turning into a loud sound, then the pressure in the tank ceases to increase, even when air injected.

If the valve in the lid works normally, then the desired pressure is maintained in the cooling system, which is higher than atmospheric, therefore the boiling point of Tosol is greater than. Important: Use antifreeze, not toosol.

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Name 07/30/2016 at 15:23

"IMPORTANT: Use antifreeze, not toosol" moron wrote not having a concept about cooling fluids.

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    BBB 19/01/2017 at 21:51

    A moron, the one who does not understand that this is the same. Dresse only, antifreeze has longer than the expiration date, but also the temperature is less.

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