Where the antifreeze is leaving

Where the antifreeze is leaving

We think that at least once in my life, every car owner faced the fact that one far from a wonderful day the engine temperature began to increase spontaneously. And looking under the hood, the owner of the "iron horse" with surprise detects an empty expansion tank of coolant, called "antifreeze". So where is this, so necessary for uninterrupted and efficient operation of the automotive engine, liquid?

The easiest case is a decrease in the level of antifreeze due to the reduction of its volume during the cold season. Antifreeze has a fairly high volume expansion coefficient and during cooling its volume decreases, and when heated, respectively, increases. Here is the expansion tank and serves to compensate for the change in the volume of antifreeze at different temperatures. And if you did not check the level of antifreeze in the expansion tank in the fall, it turned out to be at a minimum level, then when it is cooling, the level may be below the norm. This is not a fatal case, simply fragrance the finished antifreeze to the level located between the MIN and MAX labels deposited on the walls of the expansion tank.

Also, the level of antifreeze can decrease as a result of evaporation of water during operation or disruption of the reduction valves of the radiator cover and the expansion tank cover. Damaged parts are recommended to replace immediately, and the level of antifreeze is to bring to the working level by adding distilled water to the required density.

The leakage of antifreeze is possible from damaged cooling system nozzles, from under weakened or damaged fasteners in places of connection of these nozzles with the parts of the system. Often the cause of this malfunction are damaged water pump layers and thermostat, subject to natural aging and, accordingly, loss of tightness. You can simply control it enough - leave the cardboard sheet overnight under the car, the dropping antifreeze drops will leave their traces on it. It remains only to determine the place of leakage and eliminate the malfunction. Some leaks are quite difficult to find "on the eye". In this case, specialists are used by the additive to the antifreeze of a special fluorescent additive. Then after heating the engine, the microcutioner is perfectly visible in the light of ultraviolet (UV) lamps.

It is often found to leak antifreeze due to the failure of the radiator of the salon heating. The first sign of this defect is the increased fogging of the windshield and a wet rug in front of the front seats. Eliminate this fault is difficult enough, as it takes partial disassembly of the front of the passenger interior of the car.

But the most dangerous is the hitting of antifreeze into the engine lubrication system. It happens after the "slot" of the gasket between the valve head and the engine cylinder block. As a result of antifreeze from entering the oil, a complete loss of its lubricant properties is observed, which will definitely lead to the complete output of the motor. The first signs of the occurrence of this malfunction serve as white smoke from the exhaust pipe, a white flare on the ignition candle and the presence of an emulsion instead of oil on the level of level checking. This malfunction cannot be independently eliminated, specialists are required with appropriate equipment.

And finally, look more often under the hood of your car, and he faithfully will serve you for many years. Good luck on the roads!

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