How to make heated toosol

How to make heated toosol

Running the engine at a reduced temperature is a priority problem that occurs from drivers during the cold season. Motor oil or Tosol when cooled acquires an excessively viscous consistency, which makes it difficult to work and leads to premature wear. To eliminate this problem, it makes sense to establish the toosol preheating system. Preheating devices can be autonomous and dependent.

The autonomous heater works from the car battery. It can be purchased at a finished form or make and install yourself. The heating element of the volcanizer is taken as the basis, which is placed in a metal cylindrical body. In order to safety inside the case, you need to make a gasket from asbestos.

The assembled design is fastened over the bottom of the engine crankcase, connecting with it using metal stracks. Mounts need to be carefully isolate using bushings and washers. After that, the heater connects to the vehicle electrical system through the rectifier.

For dependent heaters, a 220V electrical power supply is required. These heaters, called boilers or tanks, are a metal housing with two nozzles - input and output. Inside the heating element is installed. Tosol entering through the inlet nozzle heats up, increasing pressure. As a result, the valve is triggered, overlapping the inlet pipe. The liquid extends through the opposite pipe to the engine. After that, the pressure is rebuilt again, the inlet pipe valve opens through which the next portion of antimony is received for heating. Thus, it turns out a closed repeating cycle of maintaining the working temperature of the Tosol.

In cheaper models, simple domestic tagnes are used, not intended for long work. In the active medium of antifreeze or antifreeze, they quickly form scatter, which can clog the entire system. Therefore, it is recommended to install more expensive heaters with high-quality tanks.

It is easy to install a heater yourself. After prepaying the temperature sensor, send the tee in its place. It is again to connect the temperature sensor again, and in the additional hole - the outlet nozzle of the heater. The inlet nozzle is installed instead of drain plugs on the cylinder block. Connect the heater to the 220V network. To warm the engine to a certain time it makes sense to use a rosette with a timer. Return the engine is recommended with a squeezed clutch.

The use of heaters for Tosola will facilitate the start of the engine in winter and will significantly extend its service life.

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