How to register trailer

How to register trailer

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, as well as body and other wheeled structures, are subject to obligatory registration. Otherwise, the penalty or temporary deprivation of rights awaits you. When setting the trailer, the origin of the design is important. Registration of homemade body is a little more difficult than purchased in a car shop.

The trailer is a wheeler without an engine, which is used to transport various goods. There are body special operations that are intended for transportation:

  • liquids;
  • bulk cargo;
  • vehicles (cars, boats, motorcycles, scooters, etc.);
  • people (for tourist purposes that are fully provided with the necessary living conditions);
  • commercial inventory (for transportation of trading pavilions, freezing chambers, etc.);
  • animals (such as cross-country horses).

In addition, lightweight and heavy trailers are distinguished. The first form has a resolved mass of no more than 750 kg, and the weight of the second is over the specified mark. In addition, heavy body is necessarily equipped with a braking system.

To register the trailer, contact the nearest traffic police department regardless of your place of residence. Contact information and address of the desired unit specify site traffic police. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the main regulatory documents and the procedure for issuing permission to operate the vehicle. Also on the site exists online service for the appeal of citizens In case of conflict situation.

Site Avtoyspection

The next step is the payment of the state duty. When registering a vehicle, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides such dimensions of mandatory fees:

  • issuance of state registration signs - 1000 rubles;
  • providing a new serviceport - 500 rubles;
  • obtaining a registration certificate - 300 rubles;
  • amendments to the technical passport - 200 rubles.

Contact the auto inspection service to clarify bank details. You can make payment through any branch of the bank from an employee or using the self-service terminal. In addition, you can remotely pay for the duty through portal State Service. This site also allows you to file application On the registration of the vehicle online.

State services

Provide your car in the traffic police unit along with the inspection trailer. In addition, you must prepare such documents in advance:

  • application for registration of the trailer (filled in place);
  • receipts confirming the payment of state duty;
  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • power of attorney (if the documents submits a third party);
  • true Powerport;
  • documents that confirm the ownership of the trailer (if acquired);
  • oSAGO policy (when registering a truck or trailer for a motorcycle);
  • certificate of the safety of the vehicle (if you put on an homemade design);
  • lizal signs "Transit" (if they were issued earlier).

With a detailed procedure for issuing permits can be found in Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for registration of vehicles".

Trailer 1.

The traffic police officer conducts a complete trailer inspection. Special attention is paid to such details as a hitch, chassis and power grid, since the safety of the construction of the structure as a whole depends on their state. As a rule, the entire procedure takes no more than 1 hour. Primary requirementsput forward by the auto inspection to evaluate are set out in technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles.

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With a positive solutions of the auto inspection, you are given a certificate of registration of the trailer, as well as a certain mark in its vehicle. In addition, you become the owner of new license plates for the vehicle.

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