How to attach trailer

How to attach trailer

Car trailers are used by many motor vehicles for the carriage of large cargo. The trailer and in the country, and for fishing - to carry a boat or boat, and just on vacation - to deliver the scooter or quad bike to the right place. But in order for the path to do not arise, the trailer must be advised to attach to the car body.

First of all, inspect your car for the presence of regular mounts under the hint. It is with this device that the trailer is securely attached to the car. Many manufacturers provide technological holes in the bodies or on the frame of the machine - one of the options for their use is the mounting of the headquart. If these holes are missing in your model, you will have to make them in a car service or yourself, drums from the body or a car chamber.

Choose from the widest assortment of hooks suitable for your needs: There are models consisting only of fastening, hook and ball, there are whole designs from the metal base and the pardon itself, reliably fastened to the body across the entire width. Parkopes are made of various metal alloys or stainless steel. The latter has proven itself well, since it is not amenable to corrosion even in difficult conditions of use, for example, when exposed to an aggressive waters - sea water when descending the boat. Other metal, made of metal and only coated with stainless material, can sharpen and start rust over time.

According to the footing fasteners on the body or car frame, attach the hook, strictly following the attached instructions. Or use the auto repair shop in order to securely secure the hitch, as safety on the road and the safety of your cargo during delivery depends on this. During the operation of the Farkop, special lubricants should be used, which, firstly, will reduce friction and wear of parts, and, secondly, reduce the risk of corrosion.

Select a trailer that will satisfy your requests and needs, depending on whether you are going to carry any cargo, boat, boat, quad bike or water bike. Note that for passenger cars, the weight of the loaded trailer should not exceed 3.5 tons. So calculate the approximate weight of your booties and fold it with the weight of the trailer itself to make sure that you are placed in this figure.

Among other things, do not forget that the car signals must be duplicated on the trailer, and for this it is necessary to carry out electrical work. To do this, disassemble the car's trim to get to the electrician leading to the "wagons" and "turn signals", connect the additional wires and reach them to the landark store, where connect the special outlet with the plug. On the trailer should also be conducted by an electrician from the rear signals, when buying, make sure it is available. According to the instructions, connect the contacts, connect the battery and check the system performance.

Observe all instructions of the instructions and safety measures when fastening the headquart and trailer to the car. Do not forget about weight limitations, as well as about the registration of the trailer in the official bodies. Or just carry the TCP to avoid problems with the representatives of the Avtospect.

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