How to carry trailer

How to carry trailer

When transporting goods, even a very roomy passenger car is inferior to the roomy of a car trailer. The transportation of the trailer requires the mandatory maintenance of the auto acceptance, the availability of the necessary documents and equipment. Driving skills with a trailer must be worked out to the smallest detail.

When making a trailer purchase and sale transaction, it is necessary to register and formulate the traffic police. Registration takes place within 5 days from the date of purchase, deregistration or registration at customs. In the process, the owner of the route is issued a registration certificate and license plate. TCP is issued when buying or customs clearance. In the passport of the trailer there is an identification number, model, brand, year of manufacture, body number, full weight. Operation of trailers weighing up to 3.5 tons legally established drivers with categories "B", "C", "D". Drivers with the category "E" have the right to control the trailers weighing more than 3.5 tons.
To attach a passenger trailer to the car, the presence of a headquart on the back of the car. In the absence of a headquart, you should purchase it in specialized sales points. To avoid undesirable consequences, choose proven retailers providing a warranty on your product. The mounting of the headquart is made using special fasteners or in self-drilled nests with bolts.
All trailers must be equipped with light alarm devices. Mandatory alarms include:
  • rear indicators of rotation - 2 pieces of orange;
  • rear stop signals - 2 pieces of red;
  • rear dimming lights - 2 pieces of red;
  • lantern Lighting Lighting - 1 piece, White Color;
  • rear fog lanterns - 1-2 pieces of red;
  • rear triangular light rails - 2 pieces of red, the base of the triangle is located below;
  • front reflectors - 2 pieces of white, not triangular shape;
  • side light rails - 2 pieces of orange color, not triangular shape.

Compliance with the rules of traffic and security requires the correct connection of the trailer to the car's elet recruitment. The synchronous operation of the transcender dimensions with rear lamps of the car is possible with the help of a installed outlet and power wire.
The transportation of a trailer that is not equipped with light alarm and dimensions, in accordance with the legal regimens of the traffic police, is possible only on another trailer with dimensions. For example - auto avacuator. Subject to the presence of all the necessary accompanying documentation of the transported motorway.
Transportation of a passenger car trading requires a driver of marginal care and caution on the road, since the behavior of the "road trip" on the track is significantly different from the behavior of the car without a trailer, even if the car is loaded in full. Remember that the permissible driving speed of the car with a trailer is 70 km / h.

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