How to register homemade trailer

How to register homemade trailer

Make a trailer for the car with your own hands - the work is not from the lungs with which only the master of this case can cope. However, not everyone knows that such a thing is subject to mandatory registration in the traffic police. Therefore, in order to use it for its intended purpose, you should familiarize yourself with the entire procedure for the design of the necessary permits. Let's figure it out in more detail how to do this in the shortest possible time.

The procedure for registering a homemade trailer is similar to the principle of car accounting. At the legislative level, this issue is regulated Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "On the order of registration of the vehicle"which defines the uniform rules for obtaining the necessary permission. It should be noted that the trailers of any size and varieties should be recorded, including huge bodies for trucks.

Skan trailer

It is much more complicated to get permission to the homemade design than on the purchased body. Before contacting the traffic police, you should go through a special procedure for obtaining a trailer safety certificate. The procedure for its presentation is described in technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles of the Russian Federation (Article 67). To do this, send a request to the Special State Laboratory for the assessment of the homemade body. The test fee will conduct an analysis of compliance with certain requirements, which are indicated by the technical regulations ( applications 4-7). If the trailer is suitable for the necessary criteria, in the end of the examination you will be given a certificate of its safety. As a rule, the assessment is carried out at the Central Research Institute (US).

For the examination you will need:

  • direction of traffic police;
  • several trailer photos and its detailed description indicating the characteristics;
  • origilities of certificates for parts and design components;
  • checks on purchased body elements.

Laboratory staff may require other documents necessary for evaluation. The provisional service is paid.

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Article 67.

Having received the approval of the testing laboratory for the operation of a homemade trailer, boldly go to the auto inspection of your city. To register home-made design, assemble a documentation package comprising:

  • passport;
  • an act of assessment;
  • trailer safety certificate;
  • receipts confirming the payment of state duties;
  • power of attorney (in the event of submission of documents by a third party).

Reference: The cost of issuing registration marks is 1000 rubles, registering - 3000 rubles, replacing the passport of the vehicle - 500 rubles.

With a package of finished documentation, refer to the inspection employee for writing a statement.

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If you put a homemade trailer for a truck or a motorcycle, in addition to the above-described documentation, you cannot do without the OSAGO policy. Its cost is from 400 rubles and higher. To date, the law establishes that the receipt of insurance is possible only after the passage of technical inspection. This procedure is described in detail in law of the Russian Federation "On the technical inspection of vehicles". For more detailed information, contact your city traffic police control or clarify site traffic police website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Inspection of your region

You can speed up the registration procedure through the public services portal. To do this, you need to log in to websiteBy specifying your region, and send an online request. Here you can also change the data on the owner of the vehicle, apply for termination of registration or appeal something or another decision of the inspection.

State services

Remember that the homemade trailer must be registered. In case of detention by a police officer with an unregistered body, a penalty will be 800 rubles, and with a re-incident - 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 3 months.

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