How to make engine overhaul

How to make engine overhaul

Agree, the family budget often leaves much to be desired. But contrary to this, if there is not enough money for overhaul engine engine in a specialized workshop, you should not despair. After all, everything can be tried to make on your own. Before starting the process, it is necessary to clearly realize how much work you need to perform, familiarize yourself with the description of the engine and have a set of automotive keys, as well as a set of heads.

At first it is necessary to dismantle the engine of the engine from the engine compartment. At the same time, it is necessary to remove: the generator, the head of the cylinder block, the carburetor, the gearbox, the flywheel together with the clutch and collector disks. After removing these nodes of the system, the engine will be much easier, after unscrewing the pillows, it is removed from the engine compartment.

Then the crankcase lid is removed and the connecting rods are twisted. Taking them along with the pistons, do not forget to knock your fingers from the pistons. Next, it is necessary to disassemble the crankshaft along with the liners. And even Note: When dismantling the details in order, in order not to confuse when assembling at the end of your work.

If you can see that the block sleeves and crankshaft neck developed, they need to be taken to the boring. Everything else, the piston rings under the size of the sleeves, new fingers and repair liners should be purchased.

And now you can start collecting the engine. First of all, we do not forget to abundantly lubricate inserts with oil and then set the crankshaft. Do not hurry with mount, otherwise you can confuse liners in places.

At this stage, we will prescribe fingers. Before this, heat them in the cervical cervical oil so that the fingers get easily. Follow the piston rings.

Need a special mandrel to insert the pistons in the block. If it is missing, resort to the proven folk method: Cut the strip of tinted from a simple cans, and squeezing the pliers, wrap it with it, pulling the pistons inward. Upon completion of the installation of the piston group and the crankshaft, the crankcase lid put in place.

Working with the engine is over, and in this form you can be installed back to the engine compartment. Next, mount the mounted nodes (gearbox, generator, collector, cylinder head, basket with clutch discs, flywheel and carburetor) to their previous places.

Before the plant of the engine at first, it is necessary to check several times its crankshaft. After that, the engine must run through as indicated in your instruction manual.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that when assembling the motor is very important to maintain order around and not hurry during repair. In order to avoid further difficulties, try to periodically replace filters and oils. The engine will be able to serve for a very long time, if properly carry out the maintenance of its details.

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