The crankshaft is one of the most expensive parts of the automotive engine. In addition, the crankshaft is still very difficult, so domestic motorists came up with it to facilitate it. This role was played by a large selection of lightweight crop production, and the corresponding advertising.
The easiest way to ease the crankshaft on your car is to simply replace it with a factory model of a lightweight type. Thus, you will minimize the possible negative effects of handicraft relief, as the regular crankshaft may be carefully balancing, and you can simply spoil the item with an inequimate approach to the case.
Many auto machines are not advised to alleviate the crankshaft independently, and only ready-made lightweight samples are recommended. Since often a regular crankshaft is made of cast iron, this material does not completely tolerate drilling and in the process of relief or further operation of the engine can simply burst. The second complex question is the corresponding balancing of the lightweight crankshaft. Many do not take into account that the weight is not the main thing, the main thing is the balanced work of the shaft, and they provide counterweights that are often mistakenly spilled and grind. But the fact is that they are so easier for connecting shek, and in the end, together with a decrease in weight you will achieve and unbalanced the shaft.
So, if you are going to alleviate the crankshaft of the engine of your car, to start, disperse in its device and weighing parts, cut the metal, only carefully pick up the proportion and very carefully not to destroy the item. First of all, the weight of the connecting rods is reduced, then the weight of the counterweights, necessarily observing the proportion, according to the initial weight of the details of the mechanism. For the grinding of the shaft you will need a press and grinding machine, not every farming has these devices, therefore it is easier to use the services of specialists. In the process of grinding, do not forget to wet and cool the crankshaft.
Make the grinding of the shaft in several stages - first in the draft, then into the first, blow the oil canals, rinse all surfaces and holes. After you remove the extra mass of the metal from the crankshaft, make a polishing of the product.
Do not forget that excessive heating of the metal as a result can lead not to improvement, but, on the contrary, to the worst consequences: on low revs, the unbalanced crankshaft will ensure unstable operation of the engine, and on high - can also burst at all. Therefore, before resorting to such radical measures, think about their possible consequences.