How to strengthen Gazelle

How to strengthen Gazelle

Gazelle-car, contrary to analogy with a rapid and strong animal, leaves much to be desired in terms of power. However, this deficiency does not interfere with Gazelle to be one of the most popular vehicles, which is used for commercial activities in our latitudes. The reason for popularity is a low price. Yes, and enhance the gazelle actually on its own ...

Strengthen the gazelle is possible in various ways. To begin with, you can make a smaller mass of pistons, fingers, rods. In addition, reduce friction in the cylinder and put the piston rings of the fond, and also make a more efficient system of nutrition and release.

Purchase special tuning pistons for the engine. They are produced mainly for sports cars and, respectively, wears longer and are much easier than usual. Also, to reduce the mass, install tuning flywheel and crank mechanism. True, in order to realize the latter, it will be necessary to fully disassemble the power unit and use for this some special mechanism with a carrying capacity of more than 300 kilograms.

Improve the fuel channel - its input and output, after which the motor power grows at least 25 percent. After dismantling the fuel channel, inspence. If there are sections that prevent fuel and air streams, remove them. Make polishing the channels from the inside and take them.

Additionally increase engine power. Acceleration of flows in intake channels. It is possible to achieve this by increasing their diameters, grinding the edges of the valves and the valve expansion.

Chip tuning is an effective way to enhance the engine. It is worth noting that this type of tuning will practically not affect fuel consumption. Ideally, you should install a new air filter with zero resistance. This operation may not be affecting the power, but helps all the innovations work more efficiently.

Another 10 percent to the power of your gazelle you add, if you install a sports silencer or minimize the number of partitions in the old one.

Please note that the increase in the power of the gas engine will not pass unnoticed at fuel consumption. You need to be prepared for the fact that the flow will increase.

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