How to reduce gasoline consumption

How to reduce gasoline consumption

Reducing the consumption of fuel - as it is impossible to be a topical topic today. Without a car, even fewer people are having, and the cost of gasoline only grieves its growth. But there are not cunning tips, thanks to which you can save when driving on the car. And absolutely not necessarily refuse to travel, it is enough to change the style of driving, it will help reduce gasoline consumption up to 15-30%.

First, the car that can save is a good car. It is necessary to monitor the engine and chassis, not allowing wear and breakdowns. If a suspension or rubber has been output, the tenth year is in operation, then there can be no speech about savings. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose on a hundred or in a familiar car mechanic as often as the iron horse requires.

Increase fuel consumption to 5% can be contaminated air or fuel filter. Filter replacement should be carried out after a certain time, according to the characteristics of the car. But if it is noticeable that the motor works "in the stretch", then check the filters, even if they have not passed the entire service life. In the case when it is visually noticeable that they are contaminated, it is not worth noticeing to replace.

An important factor that affects the operation of the car and fuel consumption is the engine oil. The selection of oil should be carried out taking into account the age of the vehicle, the time of year and other factors. Ideally chosen oil will provide gasoline savings to 6%.

Watch for tires. This applies not only to the wear of rubber, but also tire pressure. The unattached wheel will make it difficult for the operation of the machine, and, accordingly, will increase fuel consumption. In addition, this situation leads to the speedy wear of the tire.

If possible, take fuel cards. They are with a good accumulative system of discounts. You can also find out if there is an agreement between your bank and the network of refueling. You can get bonuses, paying at the refueling of the usual bank card.

Well, up to a third of all costs for gasoline will help to cover the calm driver ride. Experts advise ride with a small speed, which is economical for your motor, but constantly. Accelerate and brake smoothly. Do not include increased transmissions at low speeds, keep the car speed within the norm to avoid the load on the engine.

Compliance with these recommendations will maintain money not only in terms of refueling the car, but also service. And a quiet ride and is able to extend the service life of the car.

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