How to translate fuel in tons

How to translate fuel in tons

Not everyone knows how to properly translate liters or meters cube. in tons. But such a conversion of fuel volume into mass is necessary to fill the documentation for the implementation of payment, the sale of gasoline and other oil fuel. This recalculation makes it possible to simplify all commodity-monetary operations during wholesale of liquid fuel and fuel and lubricant raw materials.

What is the mass, it is known from physics and not a secret for any schoolchild: M \u003d V × ρ. Only there is a number of subtleties that need to be taken into account when calculating the mass of fuel fuel. Suppose that V benznosis is 12 meters cube., And the density AI95 is 750 kg / cube. M, moving these testimony of 12 × 750, we get a mass - 9000 kg. To translate kilograms in tons, it is necessary to 9000/1000 \u003d 9 t, now the formula of the mass of fuel will look a little differently: M \u003d V × ρ / 1000 (T).


Not unimportant value in the calculation of the mass of fuel has its density. This physical value depends on the type of oil fuel, for example: the better the gasoline, the amount of its density.

On the density of hydrocarbon fuel fuel, the weather conditions and temperature changes are largely influenced. For example, in summer, liquid fuel is expanding, and the value of the density decreases, in winter - the other way around. These factors when translating fuel in tons should be considered.

Exists density tables Depending on the temperature, on which it is easy to find out what the magnitude of this density in the summer at T \u003d +30 ° C or winter - at -10 ° C.

Such tables use specialists for more accurate calculations of the mass of combustible fuel in tons. And in order to simplify the calculation procedure, the developers calculated the average density values \u200b\u200bfor hydrocarbon fuel. Now according to GOST - 24-77, you can find out the density parameters of any gasoline, diesel fuel.

It is not at all difficult to find out how much weighs the volume of any fuel in tons, if it is attentive to the item after the item to perform the advice of specialists in this matter. To deal with the formula and correctly calculate this amount, the article will help you.

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