Why diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline

Why diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline

Previously, the price of diesel fuel in Russia was two times less than gasoline. For transport owners with diesel engines, fuel savings turned out to be significant. But not so long ago, the trends changed - the cost of both fuel species was equal. And here the diesel fuel even became more expensive than gasoline. Although the cost of the latter is much more solaric. What is the matter?

Diesel production is based on less intricate technologies than manufacturing gasoline. Logically reflecting, we come to the conclusion that the price of the diesel fuel should be less. But existing tariffs depend more from market factors than from production costs. After all, the range of gasoline use is much already. The diesel fuel is used in urban cars, industrial and agricultural machines are refilled with diesel fuel. In addition, diesel engines have a useful coefficient much more than a gasoline analogue. Thus, the demand for diesel fuel is much larger. This allows flammable implementers to enriched.

How to fill a car 1

Another reason explaining the increase in the price of a diesel engine is that the volume of the resulting diesel fuel is less than the volume of any gasoline produced from one ton of oil. The fact of the growth of world oil prices should be taken into account.

It is worth considering the "seasonal factor". The need for a diesel population is actively beginning to increase with the onset of the spring season of crops. The sales peak is summer when the gas station is purchased wholesale fuel to later sell in retail at an elevated price. And for car owners with diesel engines, sometimes "get" fuel at a balanced price is all difficult.

In Russia, the diesel fuel is mainly sold abroad. For example, in China, where it gradually brought gasoline from turnover. If you analyze this course of action, then as a result, it can be argued that the country is experiencing a shortage of this product and purchase it in bulk for gas stations is increasingly harder. As a consequence, the owners of the gas stations should look for suppliers in a variety of regions, even those located too far. Naturally, procurement prices add to transportation costs with the most different overheads, so the final value is shrinking. The result is one - gas stations raise the price higher than on gasoline AI-95. But this statement is fully untested.

Europe, oddly enough, also affects the state of affairs. In the countries of the Baltic States, Poland and Bulgaria, diesel fuel quality than Russian, and it is more than gasoline. Oil refining plants in pursuit of international standards are beginning to apply the technology of manufacturing a diesel fuel purified from sulfur. And the modernization of industries affects the final price.

In recent years, the situation in the oil product market is becoming worse. Fuel prices establish the Giant Corporations of the Oil Industry, although they are fighting against them "Federal Antimonopoly Service". And the result is as follows: gasoline with its satellite diesel is becoming more expensive. And we will have to either drive less, or look for other ways to move.

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Natalia89112004666. 06/26/2017 at 20:36

Well, no words what prices! I am sure if the car went to the silage from the grass, he would stand on a par with diesel and gasoline! We have the most important money to navory, the prices are not reasonable

To answer
Natalia89112004666. 01/07/2017 at 13:52

Prices for automotive diesel fuel rose in September-October 2008. And since separately for agriculture was not produced (and not produced), was a ripped harvest. The crisis was aggravated. Then Dmitry Medvedev promised to figure out ....

To answer
Alex 01/07/2017 at 14:02.

In Russia, 80-85% of refills belongs to three-four companies: Rosneft, Gazprom, Bashneft and LUKOIL who have their own oil producing and refineries. Control packages of shares belong to the state.
And with whom Medvedev promised to figure out?

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Alex 01/07/2017 at 14:04

))) besides Lukoil

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Andrey 02/09/2017 at 17:23

What nonsense? Soynalar is a by-product in the production of gasoline
And solaries are always more than gasoline, about 60 percent at least. And the price at refueling is the same. Foil us!

To answer
Victor 10/14/2017 at 10:52.

And no one tried to ask a question to the President during direct ether, or such questions do not pass.

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Kondrat. 12/28/2017 at 10:16.

Yes, as you understand, you cannot dull cattle, Biomusor, do not care for you who are sitting at the helm!

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Shamil 09/04/2018 at 7:56.

Including other costs and fuel bought per year, styles more expensive than the car itself. Man bought the first car, subsequent cars to give without a fee. Since he has already paid for her, buying different things.

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Georg. 06/13/2018 at 6:03.

2 The reason is not true, diesel from tons of oil get 2 times more

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    Waldemar 06/13/2018 at 9:40

    73.5 - 102 liters of gasoline from one barrel,
    40 liters of approximately diesel fuel from one barrel.

    To answer
vyacheslav 07/07/2018 at 21:11

In my 2011, in 2011, the farmers on TV qua-Would have been seeded "No Salary - I since sow."
Then Medvedev on TV said - "Money to farmers from the sore" and raised excise on Salaar

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Vladimir 03/22/2019 at 20:41

When you choose any car, I always choose with a diesel engine Although this hour I go on gasoline so much I love a diesel engine for economy Good crave and so on and thirty years old Farming and oceans by ship mechanic and sound of a working diesel engine from under the hood for me Some of some of this sound I annoy me there is no. This is about old models about modern diesel engines I am generally silent and with prices for DT should be able to understand the state in a compulsory and not only with fuel prices, but so far it is not observed but hope is dying the latter can wait

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    Vladimir 12/26/2019 at 19:52

    I guess we will die before hope ... (((

    To answer
Alex 25/02/2020 at 22:40

That's about the growth of world prices, especially smoke, what the price for the barrel is descended, gasoline in Russia is not cheaper.

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Anton 25/04/2020 at 13:26.

Lack of healthy competition and thirst for harvesters. That's all pricing

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