How to calculate fuel consumption

How to calculate fuel consumption

Fuel consumption is one of the most important characteristics of the machine, and every car owner is obliged to know this figure. Having such information, you can plan your expenses and even find the optimal speed at which fuel is used in economically.

At the gas station, fill the full tank. Immediately write down the testimony of the odometer. We go in the usual way along the standard routes for you. When we get on the track, we pay attention to the signs with mileage marks and the operation of the standard odometer. Thus, we check the device and convince that we get the correct data.

When the red light caught fire, we go to the same column as the last time. We fill the tank to the top and mark how many liters we were filled. We fix the indications of the odometer and proceed to the calculations.

From the total mileage (today) we subtract the figure that was at the time of the previous refueling. Suppose it turns out 320 km. We are just liters flooded (for example, 28) by a distance (320), and then multiply by 100. In the form of the equation, this looks as follows: 28 ÷ 320 × 100 \u003d 8.75. That is, the fuel consumption of our vehicle is 8.75 liters per 100 km.

It is worth noting that you will get the most accurate result after several tests, when the experimental mileage will be about 1000 kilometers. The measurements may vary slightly, and this is explained by a number of reasons:

  • The fuel consumption when driving on the highway and in the city differs for a couple of liters. Mixed consumption (when the car part passes along the highway, and part along the settlement) will also affect the result. For accurate counting, do not change your usual route during test days.
  • If more than one person uses the machine, the differences in numbers are possible due to different driving style.
  • Weather conditions can affect, for example, ice, rain.
  • In measurements and, accordingly, the final result, there is always an error.

The given algorithm works for all cars and for any type of fuel. If you notice a sudden increase in the consumption, it makes sense to drive the car to diagnostics, as this indicates the system malfunctions.

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