How to reduce fuel consumption

How to reduce fuel consumption

The rise in prices for automotive fuel forces drivers to think about how to save fuel consumption and expenses for it. Here are some tips that will help save you fuel and money.

Systematically check the condition of the air filter, especially in carburetor engine cars. The scored filter increases fuel consumption to 7%.

Unscrew the spark plugs and pay attention to the distance between the electrodes, the worn out of contacts. Use high-quality candles. Gently mount them only with the chilled engine. Operating candles increase the completeness of the combustion of fuel and reduce its consumption. Not working candle increases fuel consumption up to 25%.

Engine performance and fuel consumption depend on the operation of fuel injectors. In no case do not save on the diagnosis and flushing of these elements of the fuel system. Cleaning is better to entrust the specialists of the car service and a hundred. Inefficiently operating nozzles increase fuel consumption up to 50%.

The magnitude of the fuel consumption depends on the driving manner. Aggressive ride style with sharp acceleration and braking will not play a good service. Choose the correct gear. Keep the optimal speed while driving. In the country tracks, use cruise control. Depending on the conditions, move around the city on the highest transmission, trying to keep small speeds. Plan a trip time in advance. The late driver exceeds the speed, accelerates sharply and slows down.

Follow the pressure in the cooled tires. Pressure reduction and wide discs increase consumption to 4%. Remember that reduced pressure tires or tires have a negative impact on driving safety.

Reduce the powerload to your car. Without acute need, do not turn on heating, air conditioning, radio tape recorder and cigarette lighter in the car.

In winter, warm the engine with a special autowork and warm it up to the operating temperature before shipping. Cold engine should not work with overloads.

Do not open the windows while driving. Open windows reduce the aerodynamic characteristics of the car. This is especially noticeable at a speed of over 60 km / h.

Place the car with high-quality fuel in proven places. Pour exactly the brand, which is recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not shuffle the engine during short stops. New engine launch, especially in winter, will significantly increase consumption.

Choose a route with good roads. Dirt, snow and broken road will not save your fuel costs.

Spend general cleaning in the car. Get rid of all too much. Do not carry with you an additional reserve, the second set of tools and other unnecessary things. Remove the trunk from the roof and do not drive without needed with the trailer.

Immediately eliminate the fuel leakage caused by the flow in the gas tank, pipelines or the flow of the fuel pump diaphragm.

Follow the adjustment of the collapse and convergence of the wheels. Check if your wheels block the brake system. There are cases when 1-2 wheels are hidden brake pads, and this leads to additional costs.

Noticing even a minor increase in fuel consumption at his iron horse, refer to the specialists. After all, any prevention is cheaper than treatment.

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