Spark plugs are used to ignite the fuel and air mixture of the engine. With the right selection of candles will contribute to the continuous operation of the engine. To select the car candles, it is necessary to be guided by non-pricing policies, but the parameters specified in the car's service book.
One of the main indicators to select the candles is the parameters of its size that can be measured or see in the instructions. It is important to pick up the candles along the length of the "skirt" and the diameter of the thread. The main reason for the absence of ignition during engine operation is incorrectly chosen candles. An equally important criterion for the selection of candles is a calic number, showing the temperature characteristics of the candle. A large calil number means the resistance of the candle to high temperature. The low gallinal number takes place in the "hot" candles, such candles are perfectly suitable for small temperature loads.- candles with one electrode - have one central and side electrodes;
- candles with several electrodes - have a complex design of a central electrode with several side;
- iridia, platinum candles - have a thin metal central and side electrodes capable of self-cleaning.
In compliance with all the features, the choice will not be difficult, and the candles will serve their declared period. It must be remembered that certain candles are suitable for each car brand model.