How to increase engine resource

How to increase engine resource

Any motorist dreams that his car begged for a long time. So we will look at some rules, the observance of which will allow the engine of your car to last long enough without chronic problems. Immediately we will take a point of reference that we have an engine without innate faults and defects, and all mechanical adjustments are held on time. Then the durability of the motor only in our hands.

Motor oil needs to be poured only the standard, viscosity and quality, which is indicated in the service book of your car. Anything else is violence over the engine. It is necessary to strictly withstand oil change intervals and oil filter. Watch out for the condition of the oil into the nerservice period. If immediately after the replacement, the pressure drop in the lubrication system occurred after the engine warming up is a suspicion of poor-quality (discharge) oil. If the oil does not darken for a long time (and it is obliged to get dark), then this means that it does not have the necessary detergents. Possible fake. Take yourself as a rule more often to look into the oil refining engine. If you see on the housing camshaft oily sediments of black color - change the oil immediately. It is inappropriate quality, and maybe fake.

Mineral oils have a life period of up to 10 thousand kilometers, semi-synthetic and synthetic - up to 15 thousand kilometers. Be sure to change the oil filter when planned changing the oil. If the engine is new, it is recommended to use motor oils on a synthetic basis. When running more than 100 thousand kilometers, in the event of an increase in the oil consumption, go to semi-synthetic oils. And only in a completely already "tired" motor can pour mineral water.

As in the case of motor oils, the cooling system fluid must comply with what is indicated in the car's service book. And just requires periodic replacement. As a rule, it is 2-3 years of car operation. The old cooling fluid loses its heat-conducting properties, which worsens the thermal mode of the engine. The anti-corrosion properties of the coolant are also changing, which leads to the activation of the corrosion of the cooling system. So then you can not be surprised that the water pump (pump) has come out of the system (pump), or began to "sweat" engine power plugs.

Fuel. Well, there is nothing to think - the fuel must be "real"! It is necessary to approach the choice of refills very carefully, with any suspicion of "Bodhaga" to merge without regret - the repair of the motor will definitely come out much more expensive. Especially dangerous for the engine metal-containing additives (ferrocene), which dishonest manufacturers are added to the fuel to increase the octane number. In this case, the candles comes the so-called "red death" - iron oxides are deposited on the insulator of the central electrode of the candle, and it can no longer set fire to the air and gasoline mixture. There is a so-called "Trojection" of the engine and detonation stuffs. And this is fraught with a serious breakdown.

Temperature regime also refers to a fundamental element of the duration of the engine service. When working at elevated temperatures, it is possible to cut the piston rings, the loss of the elasticity of the oil-challenge caps. The reduced temperature regime is fraught with a deterioration in the quality of the engine lubrication with all the consequences resulting from here. So, often look at the engine temperature pointer!

Well, it seems, everything. Let's hope that these simple rules will help the engine of your car to preserve magnificent health for many years. Good luck on the roads!

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Ultrasonic 07/17/2018 at 13:58

Half oils from the pictures are some unfamiliar canisters, at first glance, only Shell and Level Moli learned. I have been going on moths for several years, Toptek 4200, I will not lie that the engine is just like a new one, only from the factory, but the condition is really very good. In the summer, the heat now shows himself very well, we have an abnormal bake this year, I am almost panicing overheating, but the pah-pah-pah, the flight is excellent.

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Ivan Mikhalych 07/19/2018 at 23:47

Always took Castrol Magnatek and did not bother, such oil lilled the previous owner. Somehow, at one fine moment it was not from the seller, took the top fuel tower on the council. I thought only, and now I ride on it on an ongoing basis. It is better to go, the engine rushes quieter and drive his pretty on it.

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Alik. 07/03/2018 at 22:52

Yes, once trying the moth, you remain on it forever. With it really less trouble, the engine actually works differently, the car behaves differently. And for example, I was not much afraid of the plant in the winter, now I forgot about it, starts in the most bodied frost.

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