How to choose a gas station

How to choose a gas station

If your faithful iron horse suddenly refuses to start or stalls, perhaps the problem in the fuel pump. This device ensures the flow of fuel from the gas tank to the carburetor or injector. In modern cars, injector fuel injection systems came to shift carburetors, and mechanical fuel pumps gave way to electric - more perfect, but also more vulnerable due to the sensitivity to fuel quality. If there is a need to replace the benzonasos, take the following information.

Mechanical fuel pump in a car with a carburetor engine will be replaced by low pressure electric gas station. The devices of this type can be installed in Subaru, Honda cars, sometimes in Nissan and Mitsubishi, as well as in domestic cars.

Electric fuel pumps exist in three varieties: roller, lamellar and vortex. Featuring some constructive features, they all work with an electric motor placed in the pump housing. In the documentation for the car should be indicated, which type of fuel pump is suitable for this model. You need to choose identical or maximally similar to the original gas station. The main technical characteristics to pay attention to - nominal pressure and performance. Both values \u200b\u200bshould be approached by the indicators of the "native" pump, but to slightly exceed them. Significant excess is possible subject to the condition of the pressure adjustment system.

Stopping on a specific fuel pump, check it for defects - dents, scratches or cracks. This is a future corrosion source.

Require the seller documents on the goods. Resperating manufacturers are affixed on fuel pumps of quality stamp, provide a passport and give a guarantee.

Gasoline pump

Installation of fuel pump - the case is thin. Inappropriate actions can cause damage not only fuel pump, but also the engine. Therefore, this work is better to provide an auto mechanic.

It is possible to extend the life of an electric fuel pump, refueling the car only with high-quality fuel and taking the rule to prevent riding with a practically empty fuel tank. Careful attitude and timely car care will make ride safe and comfortable.

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