How to get to refueling with empty tank

How to get to refueling with empty tank

Sometimes it happens that during the movement of your car lights the fuel indicator light bulb in the tank. Is it really gasoline in the car, and what to do? The main thing is not to panic.

Surely there is a refueling justice to which you just need to get. It is possible that the fuel in the tank is just enough to get to it. Light bulb lights not at the moment when the tank becomes completely empty, and when there is still some part of gasoline. Usually, it is a liter of 5-6, which is quite enough for 40-50 kilometers of the way.

Gasoline is over

In order to economically spend this residue, disconnect all electronics in the machine. The most energy-intensive devices in the car are air conditioning and headlights. So if you are traveling by car during the day, turn off the dipped light or daytime running lights, which, by law, should always be included when moving the car along the track. To save fuel, you can break the rules slightly. Without air conditioning, you will also have to do for a while.

Air conditioning

Try to drive at a moderate speed without switching speeds. It is when switching speeds and a penzavzka, the most fuel is consumed. If a steep rise is scheduled, type the highest speed and then turn on the highest gear. Such a maneuver will be the most economical in terms of fuel consumption.


If the refueling did not appear in the field of your vision, and the car still stalled, it remains to be extreme - to seek help from drivers going through the same highway. You may drop to the nearest refueling, and there you will buy a gasoline canister. There will be a problem that you may not be this very canister, and in the plastic tank you will not let go of gasoline.


The next step is towing the machine. Surely, you have a special towing cable in your trunk - here they will have to take advantage of your car to bring to the desired refueling.

Towing beautiful

Some folk craftsmen advise water to fasten water to gasoline, so that the level of gasoline, which is lighter than water, rose over this water, and thus, more of its amount could get into the fuel system. But neither this home-grown method, nor the bay into the tank of all sirred liquids, such as alcohol or other chemically active substances, will not allow proper result. You just hurt your car and then, except for petrol stations, you will have to look for the maintenance station.


Going to the long road, well explore the route. Today there are special cards on which gas stations are indicated. If you leave very much in a deaf place, where and there is no refueling, be sure to take gasoline reserve.

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