How to perform a

How to perform a "snake"

Exercise "Snake" - the first of the complex exercises, can cope with whom the one who will manage to subjugate the car will feel the dimensions of the car. The task is to drive a "wave" between racks or chips, without hooking them.

Drive up to the start line and stop. It is very important to start correctly. By knocking down the first rack, it will be very difficult to join the rhythm. Therefore, calmly set up and evaluate the distance of the car to the first chip. During the execution of the exercise, the gas pedal is almost not used, to move as slowly and evenly, without changing the speed - without jerks.


When the examiner will allow the movement, let go of the clutch pedal - the car will start moving independently, it is not necessary to give the car - the steering wheel should be in this position so that the wheels are smooth.


When the middle of the driver's door is stamped with a rack, turn the steering wheel quickly and until it stops. You need to turn the ram so much and quickly, as far as the strength is enough.

When the appropriate front angle of the car is stamped with a line on which the rack is located, align the steering wheel. At the same time, smoothly squeeze the grip so that the machine does not stall.

Steering wheel

We repeat these maneuvers until you reach the line "Stop", bringing up to which you stop.

Exercise "Snake" allows you to purchase a maneuver skills necessary for any driver between possible obstacles on the road. In the city, with a modern pace of life, it is very important: interference in the form of hurrying pedestrians and cars, pits, traffic jams forcing the driver to quickly respond and literally "get out" from the situation to avoid accidents.

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