How to open a category in driver's license

How to open a category in driver's license

In accordance with the Law on Road Safety, the vehicle has been separated from the subcategory on November 5, 2013. To open a new category, you need to pass exams. If the driver has already passed the exams for a category of less than 3 months ago, some exams for opening a new category will not have to take.

You can get right to category "A" from 18 years. To do this, you need to pass the theoretical exam. A set of exam tickets corresponds to the category "B". After that, you need to pass a practical autodrome exam, consisting of 3 exercises:

  • "Overall corridor", "overall semicircle", "acceleration-braking";
  • "Snake", "King board", "Management at low speed";
  • "Overall Eight."

To obtain the category "B", you need to hand over the theoretical exam, the practical exam on the road and in the city. Exercises on the road: "Estakada", "Snake", "Parallel Parking", "Ruver", "Entry to Boxing". Call exams on the category "B" from 18 years.

Get the right to category "C" can be at the age of 18. A set of tickets for the theoretical exam coincides with the category "Sun", if the passing goes to 2 categories. The practical exam on the road includes the same exercises as not the category of "B".

The category "D" can be opened only from 21 years. The exam consists of the theoretical and practical part, as the category "C".

On the category "E" you need to pass 2 exercises on the autodrome: "Platform settling with a back side" and "rectilinear movement by reverse." The second practical exam is held in the city. The category "E" can be discovered if there are a minimum of 1 years of rights with categories "B", "C", "D" or all of these categories at once.

You can take the exam for the category "M" (mopeds and light quadrics) from 16 years. There is no accurate program for learning to this category, but since 2014, to receive the rights to managing mopeds will still have. Thus, the legislation tries to protect adolescents, sometimes not knowing traffic rules, from entering the accident. In the presence of any category of rights, you can open the category "M" without passing exams.

If the exam in the category was handed over to the later than 3 months, it is not necessary to take it to a new category. With the open category "B", you can get categories "A", "C" and "D". With the "d" open, you can get "in" and "C". With the "C" - category "B".

From 2014, it will be trained and issuing rights with new subcategories: "A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "M", "TM", "TB".

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