How to open a frozen car

How to open a frozen car

Probably every driver at least once came across the freezing of the castle or face the door to the body. It's not very nice when you go to the street with a clear frosty morning, rushing to work, and you realize that it is not possible to get into the car. In this case, it is impossible to panic. Several delight tips will help you cope with the problem quickly and gently.

Most often, this situation concerns the door lock. If the door does not give in from the driver's session, check the rest. Opening at least one of them, you can warm up the car to the stove, thereby defrosting the remaining castles.

If you manage to insert the key until it stops, but the lock does not scroll, try to heat the key itself with a lighter or boiling water. For several attempts, it turns out to scroll through the castle.

When the coating of the car in a deplorable state, and you are not afraid to damage it even more, you can heat the fire itself. This option is faster than the previous one, but there are negative consequences.

Not bad option - hot objects. It is enough just to gain boiling water into a plastic bottle or a tight balloon and lean to the castle. It is important to periodically turn the key in the lock, so the defrost process will go faster.

If the car is standing at the garage or close to the house, you can connect to the long carrying of a hairdryer and heat the castle with a stream of hot air.

Ideally, it would be for the winter a special fluid for defrosting the doors. Pay attention to the package: the box should have a hose or a bottle with a long sharp nose.

Sometimes it happens that the door itself acts about the body. If you actively jerked all the doors, but they still do not succumb to, insert the wooden or plastic lever into the gap, with which it will be possible to complete the started. With this method, it is necessary to observe maximum caution. After all, strong and sharp movements can damage the car itself.

For thawing doors not bad all previous ways regarding warming up: hairdryer, hot water, etc. In addition, special means are sold, preventing the door to rubber rollers. In most cases, they are relevant and effective.

When the car was frozen in a distant place, and the previous methods are absolutely not suitable, it is time to ask for help from passing drivers. The exhaust gases of the other machine will help to open yours. Just getting the hose on the exhaust required second car and direct it on the lock or opening with a frozen area.

However, instead of solving a problem, it is better to make it prevention. Even before the onset of frosts, buy the necessary chemicals and process the doors, locks, etc. So you can easily get into your car even in the most likely cold.

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