How to heat the car in the frost

How to heat the car in the frost

Strong frosts in Russia are not uncommon, and often motorists face the problem that the car "frozen". How to warm up your favorite "swallow"?

If it was found in the morning that the locks do not open in the door, then moisture got into them. In the cold, it turned into ice, which blocked the locks. Castles can be hidden by folk methods:

  • Attach to the lock of the heating or a dense polyethylene package with hot water;
  • Send hot air from the hair dryer on locks;
  • Dress on the exhaust pipe of the next car fire hose or any similar and warm exhausts to send to locks.

You should not water the castles with water from the kettle - after a while it will cool and turn into ice again.

If the castle has already been eliminated, but the door does not open, it means that the rubber door seals are approached. You can exhaust them in the same way as locks - using an external warm source. The lid of the gas tank, which can also freeze, is heated in the same way. The rear gearbox and the engine compartment are warmed by outer heat.

If the water has frozen in the glass washer tank, then it is necessary to pour the warm non-freezing liquid for glass or even ordinary vodka. If it does not help, then the car will have to put into a warm garage so that the water in the tank melted by itself.

So that in the future the locks do not freeze, in winter they need to be treated with a special aerosol WD-40 or its analogue. Rubber seals need to be lubricated or silicone spray, or the same WD-40, or hydrophobic impregnation for shoes. For the door opening mechanism, a thick lubricant is best suited - type of lithol.


For the prevention of freezing of various mechanisms of the machine, it is worth following the following rules:

  • Raised snow from the car, it is necessary to remove it from under the doors. It is there, Tia, he will then turn into ice and stick the doors.
  • Driving to the house, ten minutes you need to turn off the stove and open the window slightly. After the motor is muff, open the door for a couple of minutes so that all moisture will deteriorate from the car.
  • Wipe all the places of possible accumulation of moisture (seals on the door and the gas tank cover) by a microfibrous napkin, which completely drained them.
  • After refueling the car with gasoline to blow the neck and the gas tank hatch with compressed air and treat silicone lubrication.

The frozen car is, of course, unpleasant, but following these advice, the motorist may well cope with an unexpected situation. And in the future already and prevent the machine to freeze.

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