I think I will not open the great mystery that the teaching of the material part and the device of the car on courses for the preparation of future drivers are very superficial. The main emphasis is made to study the rules of traffic rules and practical driving. And there is an anecdotic situation when the newly-made driver of Nissan is experiencing genuine difficulties about how to open the hood.
Opening the hood, as a rule, consists of two stages. The first is the unlocking of the hood lock. The second is the release of an additional latch, directly opening and fixing in the open position. This is done so that when the castle is accidental unlocking in the process of movement, the hood cover on the windshield has not thrown into the windshield. You understand what it can lead to.
Unlocking the hood lock occurs by pulling the "on itself" of a special lever. It is usually placed on the left under the dashboard or under the steer column. The exact location of the lever must be viewed in the instruction manual for your Nissan. Pulling the lever until it clicks, you will unlock the hood cover lock, and its front edge under the action of the spring is raised by several centimeters upwards. But until the end, it will not give her a letter of the retainer.
After that, you need to get out of the car, come up and become facing the hood. Left hand lift the front edge of the hood cover, and fingers to add a retaining tongue with the fingers of the right hand and take it out of the engagement with the cross-body. Everything, after that the hood will open. The location of the retainer on your car is described in the instruction manual. If the hood cover is equipped with gas stops, it automatically fixes in the open state. If there are no stops, then the hood cover must be fixed in an open state with the help of a special stop, which is in the workpiece in special locks.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Having done this once, you will remember it forever. Good luck on the roads!