How to open the hood gazelle

How to open the hood gazelle

Despite the fact that the Gazelle is a car of an old sample, the design features of the mechanism do not have significant differences from such equipment, but the difficulties in opening the hood sometimes occur. The hood of gazelles is equipped with a simple mechanism that works on the latch principle.

The most common cause of difficulties with the opening of the hood is a springs fault. In this case, you will definitely need an third-party assistant. When you sit in the car's salon and carefully assign the lever, try to give an indication of the second person who helps you, let it appear on the hood in the area where the snatching mechanism is located. A few minutes later, your efforts will be justified and the long-suffering hood will still open.

If at the right moment there is no person near a person who could help you try the following option. Move the hood opening lever to the appropriate position until it stops and fix in that position by a girlfriend (long screwdriver, scrap, wedge, a hatch, etc.), placing auxiliary item between the lever and the left footboard. Now it is necessary to fulfill the most unpleasant part of the upcoming operation. Create a car and at moderate speeds are heading to the dysfunctional areas of the road - seeking road, bumps and pits, paving, rail movement. Try not to overdo it in order not to damage the integrity of the working details. Driving a few minutes at a similar pace, the hood of the Gazelle will open on their own.

If such situations with the opening of the hood have become more frequent, the cause of this can be a worn spring or a stretched cable. Spring must be replaced with a new one, and the cable can be easily tightened.

Unsuitable spring needs urgent rehabilitation (if so far there is no possibility to purchase a new one). Ready to unscrew the inner springs of the springs by 1-3 turns.


If it becomes quite difficult to reach the cable, try to loosen a little or unscrew the screws of the clamping, do the necessary manipulations, then press the former mount. If the sequence of actions becomes successful, then, at best, the situation will be corrected for a period up to six months. However, do not tighten with the change of details and on time is servicing the work mechanism.

Gazelle is a car that constantly needs to care and preventive maintenance. If your field of activity implies the permanent operation of this car, carefully follow the proper state of all parts and periodically conduct a comprehensive service repair.



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