How to get the right to moped

How to get the right to moped

Recently, each owner of the moped is supposed to have a driver's license of the category M. Receive such a document is not very difficult, only the perfection and some money will need. Consider the steps that need to be overcome on the way to the long-awaited moped rights.

Choose a driving school. Do not immediately contact the nearest or first school. Make sure the organization has a license to teach the appropriate category. It is even better to take advantage of the acquaintances, since it is from the teachers that the end result of the exam depends.

Honestly learn the rules. First, it will give the opportunity to get right immediately and without additional investment. Secondly, knowledge and observance of traffic rules will save from most traffic accidents and can save life. The rules for driving on a low-key transport are simplified, all points that are not concerning the mopedists are removed. By the way, for the opening of the category M does not provide for driving lessons, here you will have to cope on your own.

In parallel with training, we prepare documents. For admission to the exam, you will need:

  • passport;
  • one photo of 3x4 format;
  • medical health care;
  • certificate of drug and psychoneurological dispensaries;
  • application for a driver's license (written on a special form, which is issued in the traffic police);
  • receipt about the payment of the exam.

We rent the exam. The ticket consists of 20 issues formulated based on the rules of the road. Although the time to solve the ticket is limited, do not hurry and carefully read the task. Make some item - it means to make a mistake. Two errors are permissible in the ticket, the third blot is the end of the exam with an unsatisfactory result. Therefore, use time efficiently and as much as possible on the question.

How to fill on the examination of PDD 1 (1)

If the first time failed to give faithful answers, the applicant has the right to retake the exam. An additional preparation is given week. The reexample should be held for free.

Counting costs. Actually, training in a driving school will cost about 10-12 thousand rubles. Until one thousand - fee for the exam and driver's license. About a thousand will need to be needed on various blanks and other little things. Total we prepare an approximate amount of 14 thousand rubles.

Please note: there is no need to get the right to moped if you have any other categories. In other cases, obtaining a driver's license must, and its absence threatens a considerable fine. It is much easier and safer to pay 2 weeks in a driving school than to reap fruits of rapid actions.

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jesus 07/23/2015 at 15:02.

what na na rights and what nah the right have led moped water? who even can not cope? And people went to moped so many years that teachers are inade ... and they suddenly need WTF rights? if someone would need to be right or would have the opportunity to get it - it would have been done for a long time on the car or a motorcycle, on the moped - about the fact that it is transporting a beggar * OV, E * DEGENRATIY ANGANATES C * KA Obabli E * learning stupid creatures , only and able to rob the poor, and threaten the automatic with defenseless people ... In general, this is the people of the present time, if you can call them ... Damn E * Anya! The more you will select the right to death, and the more I will select defenseless customers protecting them by himself - it will come to you faster ...

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