How to get right for free

How to get right for free

Being independent of public transport and own its own car and rights - the cherished dream of many. But how to be if there is a car, but no money left for a driving school. Training in a driving school costs about 16,000 and not everyone by pocket. Moreover, according to new legislation, pass exteronic, that is, with independent learning, the exam in the traffic police was impossible. Nevertheless, there are some ways without financial costs to become a happy owner of a pink chondulized paper.

This method is suitable for unemployed citizens. The Russian Labor Exchange allows you to take free retraining or training at various courses for free. In addition to sewing and hairdressers, there is also a car school with the resulting right to obtain rights. Find out on your stock exchange when it is planned to be the nearest set of automotive courses, and notify the curator about the desire to get on them. Training lasts about two months.

Enter the School. Yes, yes, even if you have a higher education you can enroll on the training of auto skill. Common disciplines can not be attended in this case, but there are practices dedicated to the car mechanic, especially practice. In this case, the method will have to spend time much more - from year to year, depending on your initial educational base. Knowledge of the car is unlikely to damage the future driver and car owner. Do not miss the set and serve the package of the necessary documents on time. Training is usually free.

This method will suit the young men from 18 to 27 years, which have not yet served in the army. Some recruits are offered to undergo training to obtain the rights and further passage of the service driving. Here, everything, of course, does not depend on you, but still, when distributing, express your desire, suddenly it is for you lucky.

If you want to tie their future life and career with the cars, get higher education related to the repair of motor vehicles. As a result, you will receive not only rights, but also a diploma. But since our task is to do it for free, you will have to go through a considerable competition for a budget place.

As you can see, there are practically no insoluble situations, you only need to spend some time and make certain efforts for your cherished dream. But it is worth it, right?

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Alexander 20/07/2015 at 19:26

Where to get right?

To answer

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