Under the Law of the Russian Federation, the insurance company must pay for compensation after accepting applications and necessary securities. The time to make payout should not exceed thirty days. If the Insurance Agency delays payment, then a penalty will grow in one day (128 rubles / day).
So, it happened ... accident. What first should I do? Call traffic. They will make a traffic accident protocol. Then we collect the necessary paper: the protocol, a certificate of an accident, a resolution, accounts on the payment of evacuation services, etc. We also take a passport and passport TS, insurance. Remove the photocopies of these papers. And attend the insurance company. There you place an application, and insurance agents will be offered to undergo an examination. By its results, the amount of payment is determined. All these actions are given five days. If there is no possibility to transport the car due to severe damage, then experts go to the location of the car.
All these items should know any car enthusiast, you need to be able to stand up for yourself and your interests. After all, it often happens that insurance agencies refuse to payments to customers. Therefore, it is best not to fall into the accident and observe traffic rules.